Ooni of Ife Appoints Rukkies Boss Culture Ambassador





The Ooni of Ife, His Imperial Majesty, Ooni Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja ll has appointed Princess Ronke Ademiluyi as the Heritage Ambassador for Queen Moremi Legacy as part of his efforts to add value to the Yoruba culture.
Ooni Ogunwusi in a copy of the letter made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos said that Ademiluyi was appointed the official representative of Moremi, the African Heroine, having been at the forefront of promoting the African culture for years.
“Ademiluyi, founder of Africa Fashion Week, London and Nigeria, you are appointed in recognition of your efforts in promoting the largest international gathering that celebrated African fashion,“ he said.
The prominent traditional ruler said that by the appointment, Ademiluyi was expected to develop sustainable avenues that would boost the legacies of Queen Moremi.
“The African promoter’s responsibility is to seek strategic partnerships and collaborations and also generate and design activities that will promote and sustain the iconic Legacies of Moremi.
” We need to reawaken the legacy of the impact of the traditional icon which was trying to go into extinction if not salvaged, ” Ooni said.
Ooni Ogunwusi noted that Queen Moremi remains an indelible new dawn of great awakening for the development of the Yorùbá culture.
Ademiluyi reacting to the appointment told NAN that the engagement was very central to the mission of Ooni Ogunwusi ‘s global reenactment of the Yorùbá culture.
Ademiluyi added that the appointment had tasked her to set out a roadmap on how this vision would be delivered and also build passions of amazing heroism.
She noted that the statute of Queen Moremi was currently, the third tallest in Africa.
The lawyer noted that promoting African culture and Yorùbá in particular through fashion dispensed Africa originality and creativity to global stage.
She said that her initiative as the Ambassador of Queen Móremí would focus on the re-launch of second edition of Moremi beauty pageant to be known as the “Queen Móremí International”.
“In actualisation of this great commission which Ooni Ogunwusi has entrusted to me, I have resolved to bring together an array of stakeholders globally to support the preservation of Queen Móremí’s name and what she stood for while alive.
“I will protect Queen Móremí’s 12th Century iconic legacy as a contemporary torch bearer of Yorùbá culture and heritage globally,” she said.
According to her, the Queen Moremi pageant, launched in October 2016 in Ile Ife,Osun, produced Blessing Animasahun as the maiden queen who is the cultural aide to the Ooni both locally and internationally.
She said that the second contest would be holding in October in Ile Ife which would be her first task as the Ambassador of Queen Moremi Legacy.
Ademiluyi noted that the queen had become the new Amazon of Queen Moremi for her great courage, boldness and sacrifice which she did for her people in her lifetime.
“The indelible and heroic legacies of Queen Moremi will continue to endure in the chronicles of both Yorùbá and world histories.’’
Ademiluyi said she would bring up initiatives towards the age-long sustenance of Queen Móremí legacies, that would encourage our females emulate her bravery.
She also said that women needed to make themselves available for challenging roles in modern society, adding that Moremi’s personality remained unique in the world and would continue to remain an important point of reference.
Ademiluyi, who runs the upscale Rukkies Boutique in Lagos, recalled that Moremi Ajasoro was a brave and pretty queen, who in order to solve the problems facing her people, sacrificed anything she had to the spirit of “Esimirin’’ River on behalf of the Oodua race.
She said that Moremi’s sacrifice then helped her to discover the strength of the enemies of the Oodua people and led to the Oodua warriors to conquer them during her life time, she.
“She was a heroine, who liberated the people of Oodua land from faceless invaders who sought to enslave them,’’ she said at the forefront of promoting African culture,’’ she said.


-Akin Sokoya

Ronke Ademiluyi
Ronke with then Prince OgunwusiQ