Oluwo of Iwo@51: Oba Adekunle Makama Pays Tributes

HRH OBA Adekunle Makama, the Olowu of Kuta Kingdom

The Olowu of Kuta kingdom, Oba Ahmed Adekunle Makama  Tegbosun lll, has felicitated with the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdul Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi on his 51st birthday.


Oba Makama who described the Oluwo as a “rare king of this generation” wished the Iwo monarch well as he adds a year. The Olowu who is the Chairman of the Council of Owu Obas, in a statement made available to newsmen on Friday, congratulated the Oluwo on his new age, while he also praised him  for demonstrating what he referred to as the much-needed character synonymous with the custodians of the values and interests  of Iwo land and the Yoruba nation.


He noted that the ascension to the Oluwo of Iwo throne of Oba Akanbi who he described as “a monarch with uncommon royal candour”, has further strengthened his belief in getting the younger generation positioned for leadership roles in all spheres of our national life cognizant that the Oluwo has exhibited sterling leadership qualities and deep understanding of history of Iwoland in particular and that of the entire Yoruba nation.


-Akinlolu Abayomi