Ogun Gov Praises Buhari’s Leadership, Says “He’s A Quiet Achiever”

Ogun Gov Praises Buhari's Leadership, Says "He's A Quiet Achiever"


Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun State has described President Muhammadu Buhari as “a better captain” steering the ship of the All Progressives Congress (APC)-led administration.



The governor was speaking at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, with State House reporters, Thursday, after meeting with the president on the state of affairs in his state and the need for the federal government to permit Ogun and Lagos states to construct the Lagos-Ota-Abeokuta road and the Agbara-Dusada-Atan road linking Agbara Industrial Estate.



He said the president was a meticulous personality who attended to the needs of the governors without announcing his interventions in states.



He said: “Let me first say to you that Mr President is so meticulous.



“He is so methodical. He is extremely organised.



“And at any point in time any governor wants to see the president, all you have to do is to ask him.



“And the president will give you audience.



“He will give audience and he will take note.



“For those of us that know the president, he is someone who believes in constituted authority.

“When a governor says these are my problems, the president takes it to heart and he follows through the details.



“One cannot ask for a better captain of our ship.



“That is what I have seen in Mr President and that is what I probably think most people will not know because Mr President is not a man of many words.”