Easy-going Kayode Oduoye is a legal practitioner, businessman and politician; his wife, Mrs. Mosun Filani-Oduoye is a screen star and one of the prominent faces in the Yoruba movie industry. Akinlolu Abayomi was at the Osogbo residence of the Oduoyes and he got the celebrity couple on a hot seat. It was an interesting interview as the questions broke barriers and walls of privacy. The couple interestingly tolerated the reporter and confidently did justice to all the questions.
The first question was directed to the wife to know if her husband creates time for her and other members of the family in spite of his busy and tight schedules. ‘Where there is love and understanding, definitely there can’t be any problem, we quite understand that he is a busy person, so we are coping and each time he is less busy, he is always there to spend quality time with us and I quite appreciate that’ she said.
One would ordinarily want to know if Kayode is romantic and it was a question that got the reporter on the defensive. ‘You could see that you maintained a smiling face while asking the question and you are still smiling, it shows that you know he is. Yes, my husband is quite romantic’ she stated.
The wife was further asked who is the most romantic between her and the husband. ‘I would rate him as the most romantic’, she quipped. And when prodded further to know the parameters used, the answer was simple, ‘All I know is that I rate him high because he is romantic shikena’. She submitted.
Your wife said you are more romantic than her, what are the factors you believed made her rate you above herself? ’Well, the truth about it is that I found my wife very attractive to me, she is beautiful and she appeals to me, so it is a way of showing my affection to her all the time, so I don’t know anything about the rating stuff but I know that I express myself all the time, of course there is no measurement for that, I only express myself better’ Kayode said.
Being a celebrity couple, don’t they feel challenged and worried about avoiding falling into the categories of celebrity couples that have challenges and couldn’t sustain the relationship?
‘I think, for me it comes with lots of responsibilities having such a socio-political status, with this level of socio-political status that God has placed us, it comes with a lot of responsibilities, and you get conscious of yourself more than the usual. You think more about what you are going to do. You get to be more mindful of the implications of what you want to do and what you don’t, so it is attendant with a lot of self-consciousness and accountability to the people, people who love you as their role models, mentors, so you can’t avoid to lower the standard. The major challenge I see is for you to be more responsible’ Kayode stated.
Expressing her view on that, Mosunmola emphasized the need for celebrity couples to be real in whatever they do. ‘As a public figure, you have a lot of people looking at you, you have to be more careful at the same time you have to be real, we are human, we do make mistake but we have to be more careful because the whole world is looking at you’ she said.
When asked the magic wand applied by her husband in getting her wooed being someone who we learnt wasn’t readily receptive to such overture, she burst into laughter and asked ‘who told you that?
Kayode, however, responded and went spiritual ‘Just like she said earlier, I think the spiritual aspect of it played a key role more. Before I met her physically, I knew about her, I mean I have spoken to her before we met and we talked, I knew then that she is the chosen vessel, by the time I was going to meet her, I didn’t meet her like the usual way we meet for like, I want to date you, I want to ask you out, I want to do this and that, I hit the nail straight at the head. It was a case of we have been friends, and as friends the relationship blossomed into marriage, we knew God was doing it. It was a straight point thing and we knew we had a future together’, he said.
Politics is commonly referred to as a dirty game; is Mosunmola happy about her hubby’s decision to venture into politics?
‘Actually, I wasn’t happy, but I later appreciated the fact that it is his calling, I also know and I can say it without any fear of contradiction that he isn’t involved because of personal reasons; he is not into politics with the intention of embezzling public fund, neither is he there for self-aggrandizement, it is a calling for him and as a dutiful and loyal wife, I have to support his calling so I accepted it whole heartedly and I have been supporting him ever since’, she said.
Mosun is a popular actress who has paid her dues, there have been calls from different quarters asking her husband to join the guber race in Osun State, has she ever acted the role of a First lady in a movie? And if yes, how much does she pray it becomes a reality away from the world of movie?
‘ I have never acted as a first lady in a movie, but I have acted as the first daughter, so I pray it becomes a reality in life but it is my daughter that would have the status I enjoyed in the movie since I am the wife and not the daughter’, she answered.
Mosun is into acting, the husband is a politician and a lawyer, which one out of the two professions would the actress wants her kids to opt for in the future?
‘Every parents would wish their kids well; I never thought about what they would do, I have always prayed for them to live and fulfil their destiny, so whatever their destiny, they are going to fulfil it by God’s grace. Anyone of them can grow up to become a medical doctor, a lawyer or even a politician, it is all in God’s hands; my own prayer is for them to live and fulfil their destiny and to guide and tutor them in their journey in life’. She noted.
Kayode also had this to say ‘To every individual, God has created and ordained a path in life, the only thing we can do as parents is to guide, but God only determines what you become. My strong desire is that my kids would live to fulfil the purpose God created them for. My joy as a parent is for them to live a fulfilled life and be successful in whatever path they may choose’.
It is a reality that between couple there is no way one can totally avoid conflict, how do they settle differences between them?
‘One way, any way, either way we settle because as a Christian you don’t hold grudges for long, it is not permitted, as a practising Christian. But as nature demands as human beings, we are bound to have issues, but for us it must not exceed a day. One thing would lead to the other and we just start to spit it out’. Naturally, one would be inquisitive to know the exact location where differences are usually settled which could serve as an advice to readers?
Mosun obliged and revealed the location! ‘Ah! Bedroom of course’, she stated.
Kayode was also asked to reveal the system he applies in maintaining a peaceful home and settling differences ‘you see, to every family there is uniqueness of style and purpose, for us as a couple, we have come to learn that our friendship must not be affected, negatively in any way. When there are differences, we know we have to talk each other out, and that we have always done. And I’m glad she revealed the location as the bedroom. Bedroom is our sanctuary that is the most quiet and innermost place. When there is understanding, there can never be misunderstanding’.
And could that be one of the factors that has made the union remained strong and strengthened?
‘Just like that, we are good friends, there is nothing we cannot talk about. Differences rarely come, but when it comes, we look at how and where we got each other misunderstood and we quickly address it and get back on track’, Kayode stated.
Mosun, no doubt still has a lot of interest in the acting job; has marriage in anyway acted as an obstacle to the adequate use of her talent?
‘Of course, you don’t expect the situation to be the same as regards you having a single babe status and now that you are married, you can never be the same, you now have a family which is another responsibility; that is huge but the reality is that it should be your first priority. It is when that is balanced and well-positioned that you can give priority to any other assignment. Marriage has not in any way affected my acting but rather it has affected my timing. As an actress, give me any role, I would take it up to the Glory of God and I would do it to the best of my ability, but would I be able to meet up with your time? Is your time prefect for my own timing? Is the location timing good for me? These are questions that are germane. Marriage has not affected my acting; it only affected my time and by God’s grace I have been able to balance it because I have been able to handle my first priority which is my home. That is where a lot of people make mistakes; your first priority should be your home. I am not saying people should not work or be meaningfully engaged, not at all; what I am saying is that there should be a scale of priority and one should ensure none of the two i.e. home and profession suffer neglect’ she stressed.
Her husband is obviously good looking, does her in anyway feel threatened?
‘Not at all, because I am also good looking (laughs); it is if am not good looking that he would look elsewhere, so he should be looking at me, because am also good looking?’ She stated.
Which of the fun locations or a trip has she ever had with her husband that she still cherishes the memory?
‘Yeah I think that was before we got married, we went to Hongkong and Malaysia, I really had fun and I still have nostalgic feelings for it’.
Kayode was asked to say nothing but the truth if his wife is a good cook or not and the answer was quite revealing!
‘Without any pretence, I would say my wife is an expert in the art of preparation of food, actually that is one of the reasons and factors that stopped me from cultivating the habit of eating out. The only time I eat out is when am with her for a family outing or something. When I go for social outing, I hardly eat, because I would probably have been properly fed before I left home or I would be like looking forward to what she would cook when I get back. So she is a good cook, I think that is one of the reasons God gave her to me, God knows I don’t like eating out’.
Since the husband said she is a good cook, could he tell us the particular food he knows she is really good at?
‘The unfortunate thing is that, I am not a food person. So I don’t like all-round food, but I like the way she makes dodo and vegetables. I like my dodo with rice’, he answered.
Mosun (cuts in) and asked ‘what of beans and corn?
‘She just mentioned beans and corn, I grew up with my grandma and she made me grow up to like beans and corn. But later my wife tried to substitute the corn with dodo, but that didn’t match at all. I can eat a whole pot of beans and corn, I personally like corn and she knows that over a period of time, there is a special way I like my beans and corn and she knows that special way’ he said. What actually does he appreciate most in his wife?
‘ Her personality, her character, she is who she is, God had seen her as a bundle of goodies and God also saw me as I am, so without searching for what is not lost, He provided her, He made her available’, he stated.
Who is the very person that determines the screen diva’s choice of hairstyle?
‘It is a two-way thing, sometimes she would just say, what kind of hair style do you want me to do?, And I am always please to tell her, go ahead and do whatever you want to do. Because she is fashion conscious as well, before I met her; she has been doing that before so it would be unreasonable if I start to determine the kind of hairstyle she does now, but there are occasions I think twice that she came back and said you don’t make compliments about my hairdo and I would say “ok; have I not” she would say “you have not” she would say that means I don’t like it, so she knows when I am quiet when she is just back from the salon and if I like it the other way I would express myself, I may talk or start to play around with her, she knows that.
Which particular one has Kayode appreciated most?
‘That is what I am saying, everything fits my wife so well, naturally. Someone who is naturally beautiful not beautiful with what she had on, she is just a gift. She knows what fits her; I see it as compliment of God things, when I don’t like a hairdo in one or two cases, it could be due to the colouration of a thing’ he stressed.
Is Mosun a member of TAMPAN OR ANTP and why the choice if we may ask? ’I am a member of TAMPAN, well I think, everyone wants to tag along with the right set of people, right organization that has what it is required to move you forward, project you, and that’s what I have done. Because I believe we have the right set of people, executive who would project our profession’, she averred.
How much was she paid when she took up her first role in a movie?
And it was a big sum of N500.00! She revealed!
Come to think of it, her dad was a lecturer, why did she venture into the movie industry; was it the passion for the job or what? Because she could ordinarily have joined the banking industry or pursue a career in the corporate world? ‘It had more to do with passion as a young girl, seeing artistes display talents on the screen interest me, I just admired what they do, and right from while I was in nursery school, I mimicked them, one of such people was Iya Nire when I was in primary school, I do speak like her, so when I was at the College of Education, I just felt like I could do this thing, I later joined the school Drama Troupe, we do stage performance and all that, so when I finished, I said I could also face the camera if I could do well on stage. Actually, it was just the passion for acting that got me involved’ she said.
Her fans are no doubt eager to know what they should expect from the stable of her outfit, Beauty and Brain and she had this to say.
‘I thank my fans for the interest and concern. I am putting finishing touches to my new efforts’ ‘Eri Ife’ and it would be out this year by God’s grace, it should be available before the year runs out’ she noted.
Does she have a message to her teeming fans out there? ‘Yes of course‘, she quipped. ‘I want to appreciate God first, He is the giver of life, I want to appreciate my husband for his support, he even gave me a location bus while I was shooting the movie, he gave moral support too, he would call and ask, what point are you? What are you doing now? Tell me about the story, about the characters, I honestly appreciate my fans for always asking me, where are you? we have missed that your teeth, we have missed your voice, I want to appreciate them, they have always been there, they are still there, asking for more, asking to see me, I appreciate them, and I appreciate them for their words of encouragement. Those that understood why I was away for a period of time, I appreciate them too and I want to tell them I won’t disappoint them’, she said.
With the way she interprets roles in the movie, it shows she is well versed in Yoruba traditions and cultures, did she grow up with an elderly person or she acquired the skills?
‘Well; I didn’t grow up with an elderly person; I grew up with my siblings and parents in Ibadan. Anybody that grows up in Ibadan would definitely know how to talk, and I really listen to Yoruba people when they talk. I listen a lot to adages and proverbs, and I pick, for the ones I don’t understand, I would ask for the meaning so when something comes up, I would know how to use it but I am still learning’, she submitted.