Lifestyle: Distraction, Insufficient Sleep and Other Reasons You Lack Concentration +20 tips to help you focus better


Concentration and focus are essential in today’s world, where distractions seem endless. That’s why I decided to learn and master them. Before this, I was just like you. Sitting at my desk with an urgent deadline and a wandering mind.

Even though I was motivated, I couldn’t concentrate on the task. I couldn’t stop the compulsive thinking that kept arising when I tried to work.

Despite my efforts, things were not progressing.

The inability to focus on the task at hand is one of the disorders of the modern time. We live in a noisy world with constant distractions trying to pull away our attention.

Yet, people have never lost hope and almost everyone wants to learn how to sharpen their focus. It’s such an important skill.

The ideas in this post have changed my entire life, I hope they have a similar impact on you.

What is concentration?
Concentration refers to the amount of focus, attention, or mental effort directed toward a specific task, object, or idea over a period of time. This controlled focus is directed by one’s will. Concentration means control of attention.

Concentration is the ability to filter out distracting thoughts, emotions, and impulses unrelated to the task at hand. This is the tricky part for most of us. That’s why it’s hard to focus when you get a notification while working.

Your attention is directed towards guessing what this beep is. Thus, it’s harder to regain control.

This constant flux of WhatsApp, Instagram, and email messages drastically affects the quality of our work, and somehow they are critical to our job.

Why can’t you concentrate?
All people can have trouble focusing sometimes, whether on a project or just a simple conversation with a friend. Often, this problem can be traced back to your daily habits and activities. These habits fall under five categories:

Insufficient sleep
Insufficient physical activity
Poor eating habits
Environmental factors
Let’s dive deeper.

1. Distraction
In our daily lives, we’re bombarded daily with notifications and new information that pull our attention in multiple directions. Research consistently shows that even the mere presence of a smartphone on our desk, whether it’s turned on, off, or simply within reach, can reduce cognitive capacity.

For instance, a study from the University of Texas found that participants who left their smartphones in another room performed better on tasks requiring focus than those who kept their phones nearby, suggesting that just having the phone in sight consumes mental resources and reduces attention span.

2. Insufficient sleep
Insufficient sleep can severely impact focus and concentration both in the short and long term. Studies have shown that even a bad night of sleep can slows reaction times, reduce your attention span, and impaired memory.

Sleep plays a role in synaptic pruning, where the brain clears out unnecessary or weak neural connections to optimize brain efficiency. If this process doesn’t take place or only for an insufficient time, your neurons become overworked, reducing their ability to process information effectively.

3. Insufficient physical activity
Have you ever felt that pleasing feeling after exercising that keeps you energized and relaxed? When you don’t do physical activity, your muscles become tight and this can result in discomfort which might affect your concentration.

Furthermore, physical activity stimulates neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to form new neural connections, which is essential for learning, memory, and adaptation.

4. Poor eating habits
We are what we eat. There is nothing more real than this sentence. The brain requires specific nutrients in order to function normally. If we don’t fuel it with the proper food, we start to experience symptoms like memory loss, fatigue, and lack of concentration.

Diets high in processed foods, unhealthy fats, and refined sugars deprive the brain of these nutrients. For optimal brain function, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats is vital.

5. Environmental factors
Depending on where you live, your environment can affect your ability to focus. Environmental factors such as air quality, noise pollution, and light exposure can play a role in shaping your cognitive functions. Obviously, a noisy place won’t help you concentrate and can lead to headaches.

If you’re in a social environment, you might be distracted by your family’s problems or your colleagues’ conversations. Lighting that is too bright or too dim can also impact your vision, and thus, your concentration.

20 Tips to help you focus better
These tips may help you increase your focus and complete the things you planned:

1. Environmental Adjustments
Put your phone in another room.
Disable unnecessary notifications on your laptop and phone.
Create a calm, dedicated space for work.

2. Physical Health
Drink coffee in small doses.
Get enough sleep.
Fuel your body with vital nutrients.
Do physical activity.
Avoid alcohol.
Stay hydrated.

3. Mental Wellness
Practice mindfulness meditation.
Take breaks.
Connect with nature.
Practice a deep breathing exercise.
Listen to focus-enhancing music.

4. Productivity Techniques
Reduce multitasking.
Set small goals.
Use a timer (Pomodoro technique).
Reward yourself after completing tasks.
Prioritize your tasks.
Establish a routine.

Remember, improving your focus and concentration isn’t something you’re going to achieve overnight. It’s a long and gradual process requiring dedication and constant learning.
