Lagos Gov, Sanwo-Olu, Mourns Dr Lekan Are

Lagos Gov, Sanwo-Olu, Mourns Dr Lekan Are


Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has commiserated with the family of the late Dr. Lekan Are on the demise of their patriarch, describing the foremost agronomist, businessman and newspaper Director as a Pan-Yoruba Advocate.

Dr. Lekan Are

A statement issued by the Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr. Gbenga Omotoso said the Punch Newspapers will miss the contributions of the late Dr. Are, its longest serving Board member, to the continuous growth of the newspaper and the media profession.


Governor Sanwo-Olu said that as a leading businessman and industrialist, the late Dr Are, through resilience and hard work, created jobs for many Nigerians by setting up various businesses and investments for over 30 years.


The Governor noted his great business instinct, doggedness, perseverance and intuitiveness as an outstanding entrepreneur.


He also acknowledged the late Dr. Are’s immense contributions to the cause of the Yoruba race through his conscientious efforts at promoting and sustaining Yoruba Nationalism.


While maintaining that Dr. Are’s life epitomised the virtues of integrity, hard work, humility, sincerity, honesty and love for his family, Governor Sanwo-Olu prayed that God should grant his family the strength to bear the great loss.