Labour Party Crisis Takes Another Dimension In Ogun


The crisis rocking the Ogun State chapter of Labour Party (LP) has taken another dimension as some aggrieved exco members of the party in the state are at loggerheads with the national leadership. 

This was because the national headquarters has dismissed the sacking of the Ogun State Chairman of the party, Mr. Abayomi Arabambi, describing the action as act of mischief.

Earlier in the week, Arabambi’s  exco passed a vote of confidence on him and also sacked him.

But the national chairman of the party and secretary, Alhaji Abdulkadir Abdulsalam and Barrister Julius Abure in a letter made available to journalists in Abeokuta, the state capital, said those that carried out the sacking are “not financial members of the party”. 

The letter reads: “Re: Petition Against Marginalisation and Anti-party Activities of Ogun State Labour Chairman. Our attention has been brought to a petition written by some individuals dated 20th May,  2019 and received  19th June 2019, making some allegations of marginalisation and anti-party activities and several others bothering on flagrant disregard for our party’s constitution. 

“It  is unfortunate but we have to recall that before the congresses of Labour Party in Ogun State last year we did observe and objected: first to the background and character of those who are to contest for state offices and their failure or inability to meet up with the guidelines of the primaries of the party, you did assure us by guarantying and making an undertaking that all of them will pay within 30days”.  

It added ” You will also recall that we have severally reminded you that the names of all those who contested and didn’t pay up the nomination form will not be sent to INEC and cannot be recognised by the National headquarters of the party. 

Curiously, we have discovered that virtually all those signed the so-called petitions were never recognized, if not, how can a genuine official / officer of the party desecrate the party’s integrity and image before the public without fully exhausting the internal machineries provided by the party on grievances, complaints or grudges and to worsen the situation, circulating the same letter to other political party chairmen in the state.  If not act of mischief, how come a letter written on the 20th May got to us at the National Secretariat on the 19th of June? “

 The letter concluded ” What was the reason for the delay and what were the reasons of going public? In view of the aforesaid and other observations, the petitioners have no locus standi to raise these issues at this point in time when the party is in tribunal.  There must be more to it than meet the eye because we begin to wonder if these people are genuine members of Labour Party in Ogun State”.

But the state exco who sacked Arabambi as their Chairman has vowed to ensure not to recognize Arabambi as the State Chairman, even if the national chairman imposed him on them.