It has been sort of accepted as a normal thing and not something unusual for babes who are business minded and are not with any known skill or profession to opt for the use of the natural endowment to source for fund.
In a clear departure from what obtained in the past when a lone house usually located in an obscure place in the town is used by ladies mostly non-indigenes as a brothel where men then secretly visited to get nerves relaxed.
These days, it is fashionable to even operate within your domain and play local leagues where you have mastered the terrain and would quickly earn recognition and enjoy good patronage.
Students of higher institutions are these days into corporate and ‘packaged’ prostitutions, some also play foreign league by moving from one city to another to ply the trade during the weekend. There are other ones who are not students but are Big Babes and they would form a sort of cartel and do nothing but keep tab on reigning guys in town. The babes are not interested in stories of dwindling revenue or fall in oil prices; in their reckoning it should be a ceaseless flow of largesse once you show interest in a trip to the ‘sanctuary’. The story here is about the tricks used by some daring babes in Ilorin to make the big boys cough out doles. Some would pack the clothes of the unsuspecting man while taking his shower at the chosen slaughters lab and find a way of passing it to a friend already detailed to hang around, the helpless man would then be asked to drop his ATM card and the lady outside would go and withdraw the agreed amount. It is currently the most discussed issue in the state social circle and it is common to get regaled with the gist of the funny experiences of men in the hands of the daughters of Eve. There is, however, a particular lady whose gist is currently all over the town. She is surely competing for Guinness Book of Records as an exceptional photographer in spite of not being identified as a photo journalist. The babe would during the process of the two single player game take photograph of the man with specific highlight on the ‘department’. The unsuspecting man who after retiring home and get busy relishing memories of the good performance on the field and feeling relaxed would have such short-lived as he would suddenly and shockingly get the ‘special’ photograph sent to his phone and negotiations would naturally then begins.
An Ilorin born chap who is a politician and whose profession requires putting something on the head like a cock is said to be one of her victims and a princely sum of N500,000 settled it. The list of the victims is long but the bad news is that she has these days found it pretty difficult getting her net to catch a new fish as gist about her has circulated and she is being avoided. Big Boys now freely talk about her and the plans to make her nip the negative act in the bud.
-Akinlolu Abayomi