Kwara Explains Spending on Coronavirus


Kwara state government  has received  N243m as  funds  donated by  private individuals and corporate bodies to support the government’s anti-coronavirus efforts in the state between March 27th and July.

Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq’d Chief Press Secretary who is also the spokesperson of the state Taskforce on COVID-19  disclosed this last week  Friday.

‘The government is most grateful for these gestures from distinguished Kwarans and organisations, including citizens whose contributions were borne out of patriotism than the size of their pockets’ he said.

Ajakaye  also noted  that  the state government has so far committed N1,569,107,944.70  to the fight against the pandemic between April 1 and June 29.

‘The breakdowns are running (cost) of the activities of the technical committee (N132,931,510); medical supplies and equipment (N713,480,100.90); relief items  (N525,277,030.00); COVID-related renovation works N149,928,753.80; and security, health workers’ allowances and logistics (N47,490,550.00).

These expenses covered the purchase of military grade Toyota Land Cruiser Ambulances; automated ventilators and several other Intensive Care Unit (ICU) gadgets/equipment; production of hand sanitizers; and the cost of running the activities of the technical committee and its subcommittees.

The expenses also include the cost of the relief items that were distributed during the lockdown; renovation of the Sobi Specialist Hospital and the Hajj Camp; mass production of face masks, purchase of surgical masks, digital thermometers, N95 and respirator-sperien 5311, and other Personal Protective Equipment; medical supplies and consumables; security expenses; trainings; allowances for medical personnel and other supportive staff in charge of the pandemic; part-renovation of the Offa General Hospital as an isolation centre; and management of patients, among others.

It is important to add that the government has not spent a kobo from these donations as the funds have not been appropriated by the House of Assembly. However, materials including food stuffs donated have been distributed accordingly’ he submitted.