Yes, now I’ve almost achieved my aim and I won’t allow anything to stop me, so if anyone knows my step-daughter-Ekaete Abasi, they had better warned her to go back to England because nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can stop me now.

As I sat in my house, a one-room apartment which I rented on one of the downtrodden streets of Ajegunle, Lagos thinking of ways to go about my plans without having another death on my hands, my first daughter, 24-year old Enobong knocked and entered the room before I could even reply.

Enobong”, I said, surprised, “What are you doing here?” I asked, since I wasn’t expecting her and she was supposed to be in her father’s house in one of Surulere’s posh areas.

“Good evening mummy, I just came to visit you.” Eno replied, sitting down on one of the two single chairs that adorned the room.

“How are your sisters, hope nothing is wrong.”

“Nothing Mummy. Everything is fine, all of them said I should greet you,” Eno said.

“Okay, I was afraid for a moment since I didn’t know you were coming here.” I told her, settling down more comfortably on the bed I was sitting on and fanning myself with a magazine that belonged to one of my daughters, since NEPA had already taken the light and the room was like an oven.

“How’s Eka and the family talking of doing things” I continued, after Eno had taken water and was feeling more relaxed after her journey from Surulere to my place.

“Ha mum, do you know Aunty has driven away most of Daddy’s relatives including Daddy’s younger brother who stays at home.” Eno said.

“Really?” I asked, leaning forward interestedly, my mind already thinking of the ways this would make my task easier in the long run.

“Yes o. in fact, the family meeting they had in our house Aunty and Uncle Aniekan and most of the other family members got annoyed and left, promising not to come to any meeting again. Eno said, looking at me with wide eyes.

“Hen hen! What did your uncle say then. And what about Eka’s husband, wasn’t he there?” I questioned my daughter.

“He was there but he supported Aunty. Uncle Aniekan said Aunty deliberately wants to cause wahala, that is why she’s doing what she is doing. Aunty asked him to leave the house and go and build his own since this is her father’s house. Uncle didn’t know what to say and left in the end.” Eno narrated to me.

“Mummy”, she continued, “I think aunty is going to win o, since she told them at the meeting that the welfare of her sisters and their education especially is no misunderstanding between herself and her sisters.” Eno finished.

“Well…since she is promising to educate you girls, the family should leave her alone. Look Eno, you girls should support her any time they are giving her a tough time, do you hear! If those greedy people should get their hands on your father’s property, there will be nothing for you oo.” I said, standing up from the bed to bring the bucket containing rice from under the bed.

“Oya, take the stove to the kitchen, let’s go and prepare dinner.”

“Okay mummy.” Eno replied, keeping her bag in one corner of the bed and taking the stove out.

I sat down again on the bed and started reflecting back to the day it all started.

It all started in June 1975 when my friends and I were coming back from school one hot afternoon. I was in class four then and was quite beautiful with a stature like that of a model. I had this nice hair style that even my classmates had commented on that Monday morning in class.

We were walking along the road and talking when the fine Volvo car stopped some feet ahead from where we were. The driver started beckoning at us and at first, we held back since none of us was worldly wise then.

When we got near the car, the man inside leaned out of the car and asked us where we were going. Someone answered that we were going home which was not really far from where we were standing. He said we should get in and maybe for adventure, we all got in.

I got a good look at him in the car and realized he was a very attractive man, probably in his early 30s. He seemed too old for us then for we were still boys. He introduced himself as Bassey Utong and asked for our names which we gave him. Two of the girls were Yorubas while I was from Imo State of Nigeria. The others were Bendelites.

By the time we finished introducing ourselves, the girls started dropping off since we reached the front of their houses. My house happened to be the farthest and at first, I was afraid and wanted to get off with the last girl but he stopped me from doing this and promised to drop me in my house too, without any problem. I relaxed on the seat and he continued driving.

It was at that moment that he started telling me how he had admired me immediately he sighted us and that he actually stopped because of me.

I felt flattered and tongue-tied since someone like him had not toasted me before. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn’t give him an answer since I didn’t even have a boyfriend and he was not even a boy.

That day happened to be the start of our relationship. He showered me with money and expensive gifts which I hid in friends’ houses since I didn’t want my mum to see them. He took me out to expensive restaurants which further impressed me after the fact that he told me he just came back from London, having gone there to further his studies and establish his career there as an architect.

I would go out on dates with him, lying to my mother that I was going to one of my friends’ house. She didn’t really suspect anything since she trusted me and had not known me to go out with a boy before.

After about three months of courtship, Bassey started demanding sex from me which I didn’t want to agree to since I was still a virgin and afraid of pregnancy.


To be continued…