I’m A Jean And T-Shirt Girl …Actress, Dayo Amusa




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Dayo Amusa, the beautiful Nollywood actress, could best be described as a jack of all trade and master of all. She is doing well, acting, as well as making waves in business, and she is equally a successful creche proprietress. She told GRACE OBI her success secrets in this brief chat. Enjoy…


How do you cope as an actress and entrepreneur?

I have always been into business before I started acting. Basically, it doesn’t really affect what I am doing, I have a lot of people working for me, so being an entrepreneur doesn’t affect my career as an actress.


What was the feeling like when you watched yourself acting for the first time?

I was excited, though the movie I was actually expecting to see myself in first was not the one I saw myself. Nevertheless, it’s a fulfilled dream.


When was that?

That was in mid-2002.


Could you share some of your interesting moments as an actress?

The fact that you go to locations sometimes to act and share ideas with colleagues is actually exciting to me.


How long have you been in the movie industry?

For 14 years now.


What is your idea of a gentleman?

I would say someone who takes things simple, someone who happens to be a realist, who deals with issues maturely.


Is a gentleman your ideal man?

That is my private life; my idea of a gentleman has nothing to do with this interview.


Which movie shot you into the limelight?

That was “Ajigbodo” produced in 2006, it was actually my first movie.


Who is your idol in the movie industry?

It was “Sandra Achums” at childhood. Then, I watched a lot of her movies and most people tell me we look alike. She was someone I actually looked out for in movies, then I started acting and doing some of the things she did then. Now, she is not into acting like before. I started to embrace and inspire myself before I ventured into entertainment. The  environment and people I met inspired me.


What qualities attracted you to her?

Then, I saw the originality in what she was doing, she was very natural in her movies and wasn’t trying to impress anyone. She is always herself despite the role she acts.


You are also a musician, how do you combine music and acting?

Though they work hand in hand together, they are two different things. Movie is time-consuming but music is determined by your mood in a particular time or probably the things happening around you. It is not as difficult as movie; music speaks more about life and I see life as music itself.


Have you done any movie production of your own?

Yes, like I said earlier; I started with “Ajigbodo” in 2006, then I did “Ojuawo” “Ekansoso”, “Ida,” “Dewumi Iberu”, “Inu”, and “Unforgivable”. I also did a movie few months back “Pathetic”, currently I am working on another movie. So basically, I have close to “11 or 12” movies to my credit in terms of production coming out from “Amsador Productions”.


What is your take on fashion?

I am not a fashionista, I dress casually, I’m a jeans and T-Shirt person naturally but the kind of work I do or the kind of gathering I want to attend dictates what I wear sometimes.


What of accessories?

Most of the events I attend actually determine what I wear. For me, fashion is the definition of who you are.


Apart from acting and music; what other things do you do?

I have a crèche at Surulere, I run a business with my mum and basically, I do music now aside acting.


Are you planning to retire from acting and face business?

No. I’m still very much in business.


Could you tell us about your background?

I am the first child of my family, I have five siblings; three boys and two girls. My mum is a business woman and dad is a retired engineer. I attended a primary school in Surulere, Mayflower Secondary School, Ikenne. I had my National Diploma in Science and Technology from Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta.


Are you planning to get married soon?

That is my private life; I am not going to talk about it.


Can you share some of your most cherished achievements as an actress?

The fact that I was able to diversify into many things is an achievement for me, I was able to bridge the gap between Yoruba and English movie. For me, it’s Nollywood either Igbo, Hausa or Yoruba because a lot of people tend to classify people with the kind of movie they do.


What was your most embarrassing moment as an actress?

I don’t have any.


How do you connect with your fans?

I try as much as possible to keep in touch with them on social network, reply some of their comments and messages, and for the very few people that get across to me through email or my phone number. I try as much as possible to be polite and relate with them so as to know what they expect from me.


What are your plans for 2016?

I will be recording more songs and by the special grace of God, I should be shooting another movie. I would also be launching my NGO next year officially. Basically, it is going to be work and production.


Do you have any word of advice for upcoming fans?

It is in you, believe in your strength and ability; if you have a positive notion, work towards it and you will get there, and for those who aspire to be like me, you should lay an example for people to be like you. Discover your talent, work hard on it and the rest is history. For my fans, I love them for their encouragement, and for the critics who helped me to grow up to this level, I say thank you.