“I Love My Guy Calm And Hot” …Star Actress, Halima Abubakar



Famous Nollywood actress, model, television personality and entrepreneur, Halima Abubakar, in this interview with the Editor, FOLORUNSHO HAMSAT, shares her beauty secrets, her trials and triumphs of life, career and the next adventures. Excerpts…


Do your movie characters stick with you even outside set?

Not really. I allow my brain to rest from too many activities. So, I drop my character after each role and I return to the Halima that everyone knows.


How long did it take you to make a name in Nollywood?

Well, I would say I’m still pushing it; making a name is a process you go through, and nobody wants to stop half way. So, I keep going. Thank God all the way.


Looking back, what were your fears when you started acting?

My fear was that my dad would kill me if he saw me in movies. I was thoroughly beaten for going into acting. But today, my dad is my biggest fan. And that is because I turned out well.


If you have produced your own movies, how many are they and what the titles are; if not, when are you taking the first step to do that?

I have produced a few movies; they include ‘Blood Battle’, ‘Another Road To Freedom’, and ‘Mistresses’.  I wish to contribute my quota to Nollywood and I believe I’m doing that well already.


Striking the balance between career and family has been the reason most single ladies are not considering marriage early; what is your take?

It’s not a big deal. I believe marriage will happen when it will happen. That’s my view of it.



Are you in a relationship? Would you like to tell us about it and how you are enjoying it?

That’s my private life. I wouldn’t like to discuss it in public. I’m sorry.



Rivalry between women is legendary; what do you think is the real cause and how can it be managed?

I think women are the most complicated beings and ego, jealousy, envy and hatred are common with us. Some thrive on doing evil willingly. You show them love, yet they pay back with anger. It’s sad. We have wonderful women; don’t get me wrong, but they are few. I might be bad to someone and another person feels I am the best. That’s life.



How often do you change your wardrobe?

I buy quality clothes a lot. So, it does happen regularly. I pick any dress I find suitable.



What is that thing that do you enjoy doing every day?

Oh my God!  I  like to sleep and relax every day. It’s an everyday thing, honestly.


When last did you feature in a movie and what’s the new thing about your acting career?

I just finished my own production. Also, I did some jobs for other outfits like, D ivine Touch, Emioma Films, Omoni Oboli, Pascal Amanfor, and quite a lot of others. I have to thank God almighty for this.



Who’s your ideal guy?

I love my kind of guy cool, calm and yes, hot.


Some of your colleagues have embraced singing as a second option; are you also considering music alongside acting?

For now, I’m not considering that. But I might change my mind later. My colleagues who are already into it, I would say God bless every talent out there.


What else are you into that earns you a living?

Apart from acting, I’m also into farming and I deal in luxury glasses. I consult for people on branding, I have clients like DSR Records and I represent Zikel Cosmetics, Sophie Couture, Habibi and my own foundation, HAF, meant to give back to the society. It’s been on for eleven years now. I love charity works.


What is your favourite casual outfit?

My favourite casual outfit is track suit. I just love it.


How would you rate your style sense?

My style sense? Well, I like the way I dress. I dress elegantly and I love my style because it’s unique.