‘Hosanna Shout’ by Sade Akingbade Loading for Homes

Sade Akingbade

Still basking in the euphoria of her latest album, Great Love, making waves across the globe. Gospel music minstrel and worship leader Minstrel Sade Akingbade is concluding arrangement to hit homes with ‘Hosanna Shout’.

Hosanna Shout according to her is a monthly online praise and thanksgiving to appreciate the wondrous acts of God.

She said, ‘Praise refers to lifting God up. It is the joyful recounting of what God has done for us. Praise and thanksgiving go hand in hand as thank God and offer of appreciation for who He is.”

A woman with great peculiarities and assertive in her compositions and vocal prowess, opined that, ”Praise is the acknowledgment of all the wonderful, righteous deeds of God.”

She revealed that the maiden edition of the Hosanna Shout will be broadcast on various platforms on Friday, the 16th of February, while subsequent edition will be every third Friday of the month.

Recalled that the release of her album, Great Love, has increased the acceptance of her band, Hosanna Voices International globally becoming instant and sought-after band.

How then do you come about the name Hosanna Shout?

”A way to give honor and praise to God the Father and His son Jesus. The Shout is a symbol of how the crowds reacted to Jesus during His triumphant entry into Jerusalem during the last week of His life. We are using Hosanna Shout, to triumphantly enter into homes and show them the goodness of God. There are other great gifts that we are going to give to people as the online praise progresses.”

No doubt, she said, ”Hosanna Shout is a huge platform and we are ready to transform many lives with it.”