Gov Ortom: Benue Will Only Give Amnesty to Criminals Who Repent

Gov Ortom

Gov. Samuel Ortom of Benue has stated that his administration will no longer negotiate with or grant amnesty to criminals under any guise in the state.



Ortom stated this on Saturday, March 13, in Anyiin, Logo Local Government Area of the state at the burial of Mr Terkura Suswam, the slain elder brother of the former governor, Sen. Gabriel Suswam.



Suswam was killed along with his aide, Mr Solomon Utanor on March 2, close to his residence in Anyiin.



The governor condemned the crime rate in Logo, Ukum, and Katsina-Ala, reiterating his determination to end all forms of criminalities in the state.



“There is no more amnesty, no more negotiation with them, (criminals); except they come back like the prodigal son and plead for forgiveness,’’ he said.



According to the governor, the State Security Council has declared total war on the assailants; and other criminal elements in the state and no matter how long it takes, they will be defeated.



He described the late Suswam as a great man who would ever be remembered for his legacies; pointing out that he died struggling to bring peace, prosperity, as well as economic development to his community, Anyiin.


Gov Ortom

Ortom expressed concerns that the incident may deter investors from coming to invest in the village; but he appealed that such investors should not be distracted by the unfortunate incident.