Foreigners Troop Into Samuel Akinbodunse ‘s FANO for Angelic Encounter 

International visitors from across the globe have trooped into Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse led Freedom for All Nations Outreach for the widely publicised Angelic Encounter programme.
The two day special programme which will begin on Saturday,  December 8th by 4pm and ends on Sunday,  December 9th, 2018 is said to be a life transforming crusade. Tagged, “Angelic Encounter “,  we gathered that visitors have started trooping in since Tuesday,  December 4th, 2018 .
According to the set man of the ministry,  Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse,  the two days event will usher in diverse manifestations of God wish has never been experienced before in the ministry and presently all the visitors are on the mountain of mercy in preparation for the event.