FEBRUARY 2021;  A Month of Power, Responsibilty, Work,Material possession,Disasters related By Scherey M. Momoh. 



–—- “Life is an adventure — –Live it. “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” Changing with time is to be dynamic. Dynamism is to be in conformity with every change.

—-”Team spirit or Unity is Nigeria biggest Weakness. Lacking oneness, Lacking cooperation and direction or vision, Nigerians are the problems of Nigeria, their leaders are their main problems.” Nigeria destiny is in the hands of Nigerians.

—-”Nigeria needs both spiritual rebirth and Restructuring the constitution (The rule of Law), More importantly, Nigeria needs God Forgiveness, because of  bloodshed, killings to be in power, killings in God’s name , Killings for money rituals. Nigeria is Prone to Hypocrisy, Fanaticism, Tribalism, Nepotism, evil of all kinds, greed, avarice and corruption. Nigeria needs  a name change and rewriting her rule of law’ (constitution). The present  Nigeria structure or system is enslaving majority of the Nigerians.

—- “80% of the root causes of problems in Nigeria are spiritual in nature. Understand how the spiritual dimension affects our lives”.

—-Never you give sorrows nor take sorrows.

—-when we fight against who we are, we create our own blockages.

—If you do not design your own life plan, chances are you will fall into someone else plan.


FEBRUARY 2021;  A Month of Power, Responsibilty, Work,Material possession,Disasters related By Scherey M. Momoh. 

New moon;— February 11 , 2021. (Beware of calf, ankle, shin, achilles in the body system).

Full moon;– February  27, 2021. (Beware of Pancreas, small intestine, digestive tract in the body system).

Focus on ; The north, North west and North east. in February 2021 in Nigeria


The month of February 2021 begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday with a total of 28 calendar days according to the English calendar. February 2021 governs the work, domestic related issues. The energy addresses failed business, financial fraud, financial scandals, Debt scandals, self defeat, massive looting of funds, contract, projects, issues relating government workers, entitlements, salaries, agitations, strike are going to be addressed. Issues relating to promotion, redeployment, suspension, dismissal, lost of jobs, old people issues, pension, old plans, old ideas, personal interests, military issu selfish interests regardless of rank and file;  The month is all about  power,  justice, equilibrium, procreation, Material possession, Material Greed, Accidents, tragedies, disasters and obituaries. The month also brings about wind of change, instability, Traveling issues, traveling restrictions, The citizens, adventure, opportunities, freedom, risk taking, sales, Banking issues, promotion, trading issues, business organizations,  rebelliousness, violence protests, unrest. killings, murders, The month also link to issues relating to politicians academic, corrupt, corruption, anger, being devious, agriculture, dishonest, military, militancy, insurgencies, bandits, thieves, lunatics, psychiatric homes, neighborhoods, mismanagement, misuse of power, serial killers,  fire accidents, fire tragedies, bomb blast, natural disasters, change of weather, weather issues, flooding, Tornadoes, eruptions, windstorms, karma, sudden unemployment, change of job, change of employment, About the people and terrible economy, betrayal of trust among trusted friends, political allies and siblings, Government, leaders, fear of the unknown, embassies, diplomatic challenge, business or financial manipulations, regulatory bodies, public relations, mass media, job/work issues, unemployment issues, heart break, separation, disappointments, not trusted, The aged or pensioner, health issues, Women matters or related.

February 2021 warns you not to manipulate people for selfish reasons, beware of people with dark aura or energy, Enemies everywhere, and Political enemies, crack in  relationships, quarrels at home life.

 February 2021 Challenges are;

—–Too serious, strict, argumentative, legal war

—Domestic, family

—Rigidity,  sees only one way of doing things.

—Massive corruption

——Government work related issues.

——collapse structures. Aviation or plane related accident or issues.

——-A call for restructuring.

——- Justice, court cases etc

———Builders and engineering issue

—-Wealth accumulations,




——-Wasted wealth.

——–Loss of wealth.




———-Living in the flesh.

—–=–Living in the body.

——— Excessive looting.

———Jealousy as a result of wealth of a nation.

———Deceit, lies, seductions.

———Collapse of existing structures of Nigeria or similar nations.

——-Living in Fear.





——–Suffering. Pain

——–Chronic Sickness.

———Chronic diseases.



——–Paralysis, deformity, Arthritis

——-Regulatory bodies.


———Delay, restrictions.

———Fanaticism, dogmatism.


———Calamities, tragedies, deaths toll, casualties, killings, obituaries, fatalities, Bomb explosions.

———Losses. Good vs Evil.

———-Accidents, doom, scandals, militants, insurgencies.

——–Money issues, Banking, Business organizations, armed robbers, criminals, thieves.

——–Insubordination, rebels, rebellious activities, unity through restructuring or disunity without it.

———Change of wind.

Days of Action—-  February 2, February 11,  February 20. .

Days of changes—–  February 6, February 15, February 24.

Days of challenges— February 8,  February 17, February 25,



If you are not led by the spirit of God or your intuitive voice, you may be a victim of these evil dates. Here are the dates prone to evil in this month of February 2021.

February 1, 2021.

February 10, 2021.

February 19, 2021.

February 28, 2021.

February 2, 2021.

February 11, 2021.

February 20 , 2021.

February 3, 2021.

February 12, 2021.

February 21, 2021.

February 4, 2021.

February 13, 2021.

February 22, 2021.

February 5, 2021.

February 14, 2021.

February 23, 2021.

February 8, 2021.

February 17, 2021.

February  26,   2021.

February 9, 2021.

February 18, 2021.

February  27, 2021.

These evil dates in Nigeria bring bad news, accidents, fatalities, injuries, plane-crashes, sorrows, disasters, self-defeats, bad weather, rainstorm, natural disasters, disappointments, premature deaths, sudden deaths, natural disasters, terror attacks, explosion or fire outbreak, bad luck, etc. The eve of these dates should not also be taken for granted too.



Nigeria@60 years energy is God upside down or misconceived. Lack of discrimination produces illusion which holds one in invisible bondage. The energy represents the mistake of judging only outward appearances instead of inner truths. The energy implies indecision and bondage. Old views should be carefully examined. Contracts or agreement should be signed with care and discrimination, one should look beneath the surface for the real truths.

Bondage to false ideas vibration of leadership, love, home and family, justice, beauty with emphasis on home and family. changes in the domestic scene, family members, may either or leave the home, children go off to school or get married. Babies are born or relatives need financial assistance. Responsibilities on the home front increases and cost of living on the rise and borrowing worrisome. A call for restructuring in Nigeria and one of the stress the nation will experience is inability to relax and be creative, this you may call laziness. Nigerians and their leaders will be too serious and unable to relate to others, youths are challenge and unable to act as a result of weakness. This Nigeria@60 years will be the most challenging and darkest period of both leaders and citizens of the federal republic of Nigeria.

Nigeria@60 years is a period of trials and temptations. The influence of the energy symbolizes service, community and national affairs. The energy is tricky and cunning, as its vulnerable  to or prone to internal and external attacks,  impersonation, origin,  bondage, intruder, foreigner, strangers, look alike, true identity, amassing wealth, living under illusion, irresponsibility, shameless materialism, time to review relationships, problem of unity, founding fathers of the Nigeria nation, search for stability, and harmony,

Nigeria@60yrs Energy Themes are;—— Responsibilities. national service, True Love, hate, loose men and women, matters of the heart, falling in love, proposing marriages, babies born, romance, Hate, Divorce, separations. resisting temptations, nymphomania, voluptuousness, marriage troubles, fatality, eloquence, flirting for money, huge financial losses, huge business losses, business collapses, unemployment, job losses, cut down on staff or workers. movement of large sum of money,borrow, loan, greed, material attachment, shameless materialism, avarice, vices,  chaos, corruption, secret exposed, lawlessness, anarchy, pandemonium, evil, ignorance, canal, manipulations. Accountability, tricky, cunning.

—–Lust vs love, women, flirtations and danger of ritualism, infatuation, commitment, heart break, sexuality, eroticism, sense pleasures, temptation, trials,  enticement, seductions, chronic diseases, heart attack, addictions, equality, drugs problem, hip problem, menstrual issues.

——-Sinus,stomach ulcers, sinus, tumor, asthma, heart palpitation.

——Account abilities, harmonious, caring, warm,intimacy,  weddings, marriages, sociability, sensuality, rape issues, fertility,broken homes, broken lives, broken dreams late marriage, prolong spinsterhood, call girls,

——-Family discord, family issues, concerns, partnership issues, relationship issues both personal and political. art, beauty. Adjust ability, community,

——-Jealousy, envy, resentment, hatred, cruelty, poor circulation, kidney diseases, chronic diseases are common. meddlesome or interfering tendencies.

——- too many sex partners lead to chronic diseases. lungs, throat, nose, head, heart trouble,

———Prolong spinsterhood, marriage with pressure, marrying other people wife/husband. marriage by agreement, pretense. attraction, charm. sexual mysteries.

——-insecurities, fear, killings and killings to cover secrets. social manipulations.

——-cultured, equality, justice, injustice, laziness, learn to respect others opinion. scandals in business, money and sexual.

——–Stress, anxiety, depression,groin, semen, genital, womb issues, women and men related issues and mysteries.

—–job or unemployment issues

—– Citizens in Bondage.

—–tricky an cunning



——-Top secrets expose.

—–internal problems since independence.

——Asking questions

——-Ravage, violence, force, fatality, weakness, blindness, pettiness.

——-Ending,  mortality, destruction, Biggest corruption so far.

——-Bad governance, economic crisis.

——-Problem of visionary leaders since independence.

—–Flood, rainstorm, windstorms



—-Volcanic activity


—-Fire out breaks. Fire disasters period..

—–Transportation issues.


——-Natural disasters.

—- Domesticity, lifestyle.

——cold, mean, carelessness.

—–Quarrels, disruption, upheavals, catastrophe.

—–The breakdown of existing forms, sudden unexpected changes, destruction of old structure and work false structures and finding true values.

—- Cunning, stubborn and tricky period.


—community issues

——-Bank  fraud.




——Information technology

——–Other people money Expose

——-illicit affairs other people wife,husband, sister, brother, friends, house keepers.

——Global import and export

——-Gold, jewelries,

—–Government irresponsibility.




—–Misuse of power.

——Money/ power



——Serial killers

——-Religious (traditional)


—- spies

——-suicide attacks.

——Computer hackers

——accidents, disasters, fire out breaks. scandals,

—–Impetuous behavior, Drifting, irresponsible conduct, social balance.

——Lack of consideration to the people. Too outspoken and ruthless.

——Rebellious, lawlessness,  confinement.

—–Mental, suicide issues, tendency to scatter and lose focus,

—–Accidents of all kinds- road, water, air etc

——sudden and dramatic change, upheaval, pride, liberation.

—–Divine intervention, stroke of fate, reversal of fortune


During the action and peak points, events and reactions take place; this brings tension, action and reaction or agitation in the Nigerian environment.

ACTION POINT ENERGY —— January 1st, 2021.

PEAK POINT ENERGY —- April  1st, 2021.

ACTION POINT ENERGY —— July  1st, 2021.

OCTOBER 2020 TO  FEBRUARY 2021—-The themes of this period are power, authority, false ideas, bondage  over material things or worldly possessions, origin, paternity, unity, ego, sudden happenings, change, expansion, destiny, new beginning, rivalries, men mysteries, authoritarianism, selfishness, tyranny, fire, gold, the father, victory. leadership, aggressiveness, from grace to grass etc The period brings National karma, protests, strikes, rebels, militancy, violence, deaths, bad influence, changes, secrets, emotions, sorrows, fatalities, misfortunes, tensions, stress, bigotry, fire, heat, gas, fuels, power issues.

Difference between lust from love, desire for lust for power or  lust of the flesh, manipulation for selfish gains, pride, ego, vanity and other temptation for worldly glory. All these lead to nowhere except through soul consciousness or God’s consciousness. Nigeria needs to connect to God alone. The period brings karma, protests, strikes, rebels, militancy, violence, deaths, bad influence, changes, secrets,  sorrows, fatalities, Injuries, misfortunes, tensions, stress, bigotry, fire, heat, gas, fuels, power issues

FEBRUARY 2021 TO JUNE 2021— A period of  Transformations, health challenges, obituaries, deaths, , fatalities, road accidents, plane accidents, issues concerning youths, sales, marketing, cost of living, promotion either good or bad PR. calamities, the unexpected happening, bad omen, diplomatic challenges,  mood fluctuations, changes,  Dark energy,  Division, Disunity, stiff competition, ego, self-mentality,  material greed, rainfalls, waterfalls, weather problem, irresponsibility, illness, funerals, fire, heat, gas, fuels, electricity issues dominate this period. Slow down of businesses and government businesses,  A call for structuring, women issues, domestic issues, poverty, State of living condition of an average Nigerian, agitation, uprising, flooding, rainfall, weather issues.

JUNE 2021 TO  OCTOBER 2021—A period of  work, effort, mixed vibration, food challenges, creative art, entertainment, political issues, political uprising, bad energy in the polity. Indecision, lacking focus. Time to review relationships problems, problems of the unity, harmony, stability of Nigeria and lack of direction and focus.


This karma of teaches the lesson of  unconditional love as taught by Master Jesus.

—Treat others as you want them to treat you.

—-Love thy neighbor as yourself.

—-Where power predominates, love is lacking.



October 2020

December 2020.

January 2021.

March 2020.

April 2021.

June 2021. (Beware of the 666 mark of the Beast)

July 2021  (Month of fatalities)

August 2021.

September 2021. (Month of real Trials and Temptation)



November 2020.

February 2021

April 2021.

July 2021

September 2021.



Likely places to be in the news in Nigeria are Abuja, Anambra, Abia, Akwa ibom, Adamawa,  Cross river, ebonyi, edo, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Delta, Ekiti, Taraba, Rivers, Gombe, Yobe, Imo, Benue, enugu, Borno, katsina, Jigawa, Niger, kano, kaduna, katsina, kebbi, kwara, Lagos, kogi, Nassarawa, Ondo, Ogun, Oyo, plateau, zamfara, sokoto etc


1, The first turning point in Nigeria started from 1960 and ended in 1976.

2,.The second turning point in Nigeria started in 1976 and ended in 1999,

3, The third turning point in Nigeria started in 1999 till 2027.

The turning points are significant periods in Nigeria that are prone to the good, bad and ugly news.


1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 2011, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022.

NOTE– The calendar year 2024, Nigeria may enter a new era of  leadership, l see new leaderships in Nigeria that may bring peace, love, unity, fairness or justice etc


GLOBAL YEAR 2021; The year of Pentagram by Scherey M. Momoh

To; All nations worldwide

Life’s events will conspire to help us remember who we are and where our power actually comes from. Service to others, being thankful for our blessings, and giving something back in gratitude are favored. We receive new inspiration and more able to inspire others. It is a year to share with others what you have to teach.

2021 is a time of renewal and purification in order to bring greater overall harmony. It is an optimum time to make amends for mistakes or misdeeds and to clear away financial and karmic debts.

It can be a time of rebirth that brings a stronger connection with the sacred. New opportunities may arise that add to a sense of joy and freedom. Euphoric states of spiritual/physical ecstasy are possible.

Shadow: Power and control issues come to the surface bringing lies, accusations, bullying, corruption, and a desire to go rogue and disregard rules and authority. Arguments that happen can spiral out of control. Actions can inflame situations and create long-lasting rifts.

It is a time of polarities, uncertainty and family instability when fears must be confronted. Finances can be unpredictable. People can be foolish, illogical, and in need of extra understanding. Behaviors may be shaped by karmic residue.

It will require steadiness and drive to stay on the path.

Overview: The  year 2021 is a year that will fast-paced, upbeat and expansive. It awakens the evolutionary impulse to move forward. Although

On a mystical level,2021 is the Goddess energy, the womb of being. It pushes us to make a cosmic leap forward. It activates psychic abilities, strengthens intuition, and highlights unity consciousness and compassion.

During 2021 global year, you may more easily receive insights and revelations from dreams and intuition.  2021” is the energy of divine longing. You may feel drawn to explore new potentials and possibilities or develop a new idea. It can be a time of creativity, learning and personal growth. Pleasure, laughter, and harmony fall under this energy, but so do chaos, karma, grief and pain.

During this period, friends, family, relationships, and community are in the spotlight. It is a time to strengthen family and social bonds, nourish current relationships or find new ones. This is a year that favors working together with others – especially in a common cause, and/or for the common good. It is a good time to ask for a partner or love relationship.

This is an auspicious year to change jobs, if necessary. The energy of this period is about the flow of abundance and prosperity into and through your life. It can bring greater success in business, help you find a new job, and bring an increased flow of abundance on both personal and societal levels. The key is to ask for what you need and then get your ego-mind out of the way to allow something larger to work through you. Remember, something larger than you is in charge during this time. Set your intention and then go with the flow and enjoy the ride as much as you can.

Shadow: This can be a time of chaos and insecurity. On a collective level, we can expect a continuing clash between conservative ideas and progressive ones, between extremists on both the left and the right, and between those stuck in the past and the status quo with the dreamers and social activists who push for greater fairness, equality, and an economic system that benefits everyone instead of the wealthy elite. This is likely to fuel ongoing tensions in society throughout 2021.

On a more personal level, you may feel more impulsive than normal, and have difficulty focusing on practical things. You can be overeager, and this can result in hurry-worry and even recklessness. The  2021 energy wants freedom and tends to scatter energies in too many directions at once. As a result, breaking commitments and being unfaithful to partners, beliefs, or ideas is one of the downsides during this period. Consider that this period is helping you to learn to create a sense of dynamic but sustainable balance in your life. It is prompting you to work with a focused intention to create what most inspires you.

The other side of the global year energy can manifest as feeling blocked, low on energy, stuck, unable to free yourself from old habits, and undemonstrative with friends and loved ones. Obsessiveness and addiction are severe examples. Sometimes, a fear of lack is what begins the downward spiral, causing you to withdraw into a suit of protective armour and become covetous of what others have, be it money, influence, or power.

The shadow energy for 2021 can bring emotional pain and grief. If this happens, remember two things. First, this is a temporary situation. It is going to pass. Second, realize that to transform these heavy emotions, you must allow yourself to fully feel them, as opposed to going into denial. You don’t have to feel them for very long, but you do have to feel them. Once you’ve processed the feelings, you no longer need to hang onto them. Give them the hook, drag them off center stage, and lovingly give them the boot!

Note that  2021 is the energy of karma. So if you are experiencing emotional pain, it may be tied to clearing karmic residue, either personal or collective.

On a collective level, the year shadow energy is connected with elitism, fascism, fiscal conservatives, paleo conservatives, police, mass movements, financial meltdowns, recessions, water rights, and religious persecution.

Science & Technology: A 2021 year highlights: acoustics, musicology … alternative energy, biogenetics, biomass, chronostratigraphy, cosmology,  ict, media, printing, homeopathy, iconography, Kirlian photography, magnetic levitation, magnetostratigraphy, marine biology, microbiology, oceanography, physics, psychobiology, sociobiology, string field theory, theoretical physics, theoretical possibility, toxicological research, western science.etc

It also gives a boost to he following areas: aircraft, bionic/robotic humans, cheap energy, electrochemical circuits, electronics equipment, energy beam, geomagnetic storms, geometric patterns, geothermal vents, GPS, gravitational field, high-tech, information systems, interstellar, Kirlian photography, magnetic levitation, quantum computers, and self-driving cars.

2021  Year Influence

2021 is the 21st year of the new millennium and, therefore, also carries the Jupiter energy. it is all about positive change, news, media, self preservation, research work, healthy eating and mind expansion.

The energy period opens you up for guidance and higher insights, especially when also connected with the mercury” energy. You may, therefore, be more open than normal throughout 2021. This means that you will also be affected by both inner and outer events more than is normal. While the chaotic events happening around us can make this a challenging time, it is also a good time for personal renewal. It is a powerful time to review old structures and patterns in your life to see what fits and what doesn’t. It’s a good period to integrate inner polarities and strive for wholeness.

2021 can also be a time of expansion and sometimes sudden changes. The Jupiter period puts you more in touch with your soul’s purpose and presents you with an opportunity to make a course correction. This is a year to ratchet up your courage and make a leap of faith that will bring your inner and outer life into balance.

This period is also connected with money, and your ability to attract more of it. Here is the key. To have more money you must first let go of any fear of lack that you have – e.g., focusing on what you don’t have, including being afraid you don’t have enough. It is helpful to release an attachment to money in any kind of needy way because this simply reinforces the same fear.

Next, realize that money is linked to the energy of play in the sense of letting go of worry, adopting a childlike innocence, and losing yourself in the moment. If you can find a sense of play in your vocation, then you’ve got a leg up on creating more money.

The openness to play also opens the gateway to inner guidance. Childlike innocence allows you to follow the guidance. When you do, you make yourself magnetic to the money needed for you to achieve your soul’s purpose.

Given the effect of the pandemic on our economy, I know that these suggestions will be difficult for many to put into practice. Yet, if possible to do, you will find that they help substantially.

Following inner guidance means showing up and saying “yes” to that voice inside of you, or to the gut-level sense of knowing that you are supposed to do something – even when you don’t really want to do it. This also takes some courage and a little bit of audacity.

The courage to follow inner guidance is part of the Jupiter  energy. There is a reason why the cougar is one of the totem animals for this energy, because the planet energy, while expansive, is not for the faint of heart.

This is a good year to seek an accord with others. It is a good time to educate yourself and others, and create understanding for your position, beliefs, or worldview. It is a time to inspire trust and confidence in others. The energy of the period helps people make good choices and cut through extraneous information to focus on the most important goals.

2021 is a good year to beautify your house and your surroundings. It is a time to feel good about what you have accomplished, have a little fun, and enjoy life to the extent you are able. In doing so, you will also help others to do so.

Shadow: You will know if you are in the shadow energy of the planet year if you feel like you are blocked and unable to accomplish your goals, or that you are seriously constrained and have no choices available to you. Life can feel dull and lacking in freshness and originality.

Alternately, it can be a very exciting time but not in a good way. You may be confronted by those you consider enemies. People may speak or act with malice, be mean to you, or even gang up on you. You can feel under siege. The natural reaction is to be afraid. It may take great courage to stand your ground and defend your ideas and beliefs, or even your physical person.

Deceit and fraud are in the energies of 2021, so guard against those who would take advantage of you at this time. Be on the lookout for liars, manipulators, bogus deals, ploys to take your money, or people who attempt to coax you into doing something you don’t feel good about. This can be a challenge since the energy of this time can make you feel a little shy, baffled or even flakey. Stay focused if you can!

The vortex of energy during 2021 can pull you onto a path of decadence and deterioration. It can be difficult to pull yourself back out. Part of 2021 downside is mania. If you have a tendency toward hyperactivity or overstimulation, it can become activated during this period. Be careful of mood swings, particularly the excessively elevated ones.

Take note, this is an especially bad time to use alcohol as a way to compensate for feeling hyper. It will only add to a tendency for disorganized behavior and also lowers your resistance to Covid-19.

If you are relatively young, this last aspect of the year period won’t have much effect. If you are getting older, it might. The 2021 period can bring up aging issues. Aches and pains, you never would have given a second thought when younger, now can cause you wonder if they represent the new normal. As, aging presents “the dilemma of a polarity of a yes or no: either you accept as a cosmological flow the falling change [in health], or don’t accept it because we may yet have some determining input in the aging process.” The “2021” period can bring this dilemma into the spotlight.





——nervous system




——-skin problems

——-Bronchitis and respiratory illness

——-Ucers and cardiac arrest

——–Acute stress, thyroid problems

——–circulatory and heart diseases


———-psychological and mental illness


————–cerebral stroke etc



Category A Bookings


—–Will the year 2021 bring you success, love or good fortunes?
—-How the year 2021 will influence your personal life directly?
—-Know your personal lucky days, or lucky charm, lucky numbers, best days, dates and months in 2021 calendar year.
.—–Know your personal cautious days, dates and months in 2021 calendar year.
——Know the peak and action periods for business, traveling overseas and taking major decisions for the year 2021.
—- Know when promotion or demotion at your place of work is coming in 2021 calendar year.



–Who am l?  Your Spiritual purpose.
—-Why am l here in this world?
—-Why was l born into my present family?
—-What are my destiny directions?
—–What are my God-given assignment, callings, talents, lucky businesses, trades or careers by birth?
——What are my challenges and opportunities in every stage of my
life and what are my current challenges and opportunities of life now?
——-What are my lucky fortunes from birth such as personal lucky
years, lucky numbers, lucky days, lucky countries, lucky cities, lucky
colors, lucky directions, lucky day for fasting, lucky hours for
anything, lucky marriage partners, lucky business partners, lucky
mobile numbers, why you are experiencing bad luck, failures, stagnation, evil eyes, spiritual attacks,disappointments, self-defeats constantly in all areas of  life, etc.

NB…… Our services are strictly confidential. Call now by booking for your readings.



Scherey. M. Momoh is a  world leading seer,  Trance Numerologist, clairvoseer, visionary, directionologist, Modern day spiritual teacher, Yogi, mystic scientists, Light worker, facilitator, consultant, Author, writer, online/print Columnist, Content provider & creator… Mr Momoh is a spiritual/media entrepreneur.  He is the Ceo/Chief consultant ezepheyreon global readings ( An affiliate of Ezepheyreon  Nigeria)    The page Destiny, Destiny direction and Turning Point are publications of Ezepheyreon Global readings.GSM lines 07036557250, 08115143273

Contact: whatsapp ; 07036557250  (My whatsapp number), You can also connect me on facebook as Scherey Momoh.