EndSARS: Arewa Group Denies Threatening War over Buhari

Shettima Yerima

The Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF) has denied reports that its National President, Yerima Shettima, promised war from the north if President Muhammadu Buhari is forced out of office.


Shettima Yerima

A statement released very late on Saturday and signed by Barrister Abubakar Liman, the Legal Adviser to the AYCF, the group described itself as one that respects the constitution of the country and would never take part in any violence.


It further described the claims ascribed to Yerima by an online report as a figment of the writer’s imagination.
“Our National President, Alhaji Yerima Shettima, has never ever been associated with combative or violent protest to opposing views, for whatever reason.


“He has always been a democrat, following legitimate constitutional processes in his agitations and it is for this reason he has built a record of fearless activism but free of violence,” the AYCF said.
It added that the body is a platform of matured citizens who strongly believe in deepening Nigeria’s democracy.


“The false claim of war being attributed to our National President is indeed malicious and we will not take it lying low.
“Just like our National President, we are unapologetic in the promotion of democracy through legal and legitimate means, in line with the nation’s constitution, which supports presentation of grievances with respect to the rule of law,” the group said.