Dr Chris Okafor Begins 3-Day Prophetic Conference in South Africa 


The much anticipated family Liberation Program The Limit Breaker Conference has begun in Johanesbong South Africa with so many testimonies, Deliverance, Restoration and solution to many problems.

While declaring the 3 days prophetic encounter with Elohim through the revival Open, The Senior Pastor Grace Nation world-wide aka The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor remarked that whenever God gives him a directive to go to a certain Nation, He does not hesitate because has a specific reasons, God will not give such directive only for a Purpose, Therefore the Man of God wnjoys everyone present at the day one of the conference to make Good use of the opportunity and the available Power of God by keying into all the instructions given and follow it accordingly.

The Generational Prophet of God said it is the turn of the good people of South Africa to receive from God what he has for them at the eleventh hours of the year.

In his sermon with the theme The Limit Breaker with Subtitles “Help of the Spirit” emphasised that the Spirit can help you, he can guide and direct you, only if you are willing to listen to the instructions given to you.

The Man of God also remarked that when you listen to the Spirit, any Battles you are facing turns around in your favour saying it takes a spirit person to understand the Language of the Spirit, Dr Okafor says you can be Prayerful and still not be in the Spirit.

The Lagos Popular Prophet said you must be spiritually minded to destroy the yoke , To be able to get Help from the spirit, You must understand the things of the spirit because the spirit only helps those that understand the spirit.

Therefore if you want to win the battles of the world, You must understand the Spiritual language that is Higher than any other language.

In conclusion of his message, the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor said the spirit is still helping People , those that understand the Principles and philosophy of the spirit, God already sent a comfortable but people are not willing to listen to the instructions given, before any spirit move, it is the Holy Ghost that move first, He can direct , guide and led you into greater unlimitation.

The Holy Ghost moves in a Strange way at the South Africa Conference breaking different Limitations and re -writing the destiny of Many, The mighty hand of God was Physically Manifesting as bondage were broken, evil altars were set on fire and rains of Miracle Babies everywhere.

The Day 2 of the Conference will be more brutal as God Servant used the opportunity to invite people in Johanesbong and all its environs to make a date with Elohim on 4th December 2024, as God is ready to transform more lives.