Dangote Drags Side Chic to Court for ‘Breaching Love Trust’ …demands $30,000

Dangote Drags Side Chic to Court for 'Breaching Love Trust' ...demands $30,000


Aliko Dangote, Africa’s richest man, has accused his former lover, Autumn Spikes, of reneging on their agreement to keep their relationship private and trying to extort him.


The allegations were part of a suit instituted by Dangote under a pseudonym – John Doe –in an American court.


Nevertheless, the pseudonym had an alias – AD, which is believed to represent the acronym – Aliko Dangote.


Dangote is pressing for about $30,000 in damages.


The former lover of the billionaire industrialist had set Twitter on fire recently when she leaked images of Dangote. One of the images had the businessman reclining on a sofa, with a part of his butt showing.


In documents filed in the Miami-Dade County Court in Florida, Dangote had accused Spikes of trying to extort $5m. Furthermore, the defendant was accused of libel, defamation, cyberstalking and a breach of agreement.


Further, Dangote’s lawyer claimed that the reputation of their client had made him an easy target for coercion. It added that Ms. Spikes sought a meritless claim of $5m in palimony.


Indeed, Dangote had taken action to end his affair with the American lady when the compromising pictures of him leaked and began to cause a sensation on social media.


He had also demanded a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) on their affair from the lady. However, Spikes claimed she was only offered a paltry sum for the NDA.


It had been reported that the lady, who first disclosed the fact that she was being sued by Dangote; had warned that the billionaire risks having other messy details of their dalliance exposed as part of the suit.


Specifically, Ms Spikes said Dangote had taken the wrong turn by making the case public. She also claimed they were in a relationship for nine years without a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to gag her from publicly commenting on the affair.


Equally important, she denied trying to extort money from the businessman; adding that she did not expose their affair for fame. In fact, Ms. Spikes says her action was aimed at helping Dangote evade the embarrassment caused by another former lover, Bea Lewis, who exposed their affair on social media.


Spikes said about a month ago she was offered some money to sign an NDA which she refused.


“I was insultingly offered 15k and 2,500 a month to sign an NDA but I declined.I gained legal counsel in which we countered his offer.


‘‘Mind you his first initial offer wasn’t disclosed in the terms of his proposed NDA. Therefore, I was pressured and influenced to sign which was already a violation of his own NDA. He denied knowing me and our relationship to his lawyers and we’re asked for proof of our affair…


‘‘Now, I’m being sued for extortion?” she wrote.


Consequently, Ms Spikes demanded $5 million, through her representatives, in exchange for the NDA.