“Celebrate, Don’t Condemn Maina” …group tells Ezekwesili


The presidential candidate of Allied Congress Party of Nigeria (ACPN), Oby Ezekwesili, has no moral right to criticize President Buhari’s administration, the Legislative Watch said yesterday.

In a statement signed by its executive secretary, Ngozika Ihouma, the group noted that the presidential aspirant did not have the moral standing to call the president “parochial and nepotistic” by reinstating former chairman of the Pension Reforms Commission, Abdulrasheed Maina, adding that Maina ought to be celebrated.

According to them, “Maina as the chairman, Pension Reform Task Team (PRTT) did not steal any pension fund but instead recovered over N1.63 trillion from pension thieves in both cash and assets under the PDP government in which Ezekwesili was a key participant.”

Ezekwesili had earlier in an interview granted to a newspaper accused President Buhari of inactions, nepotism and particularly referring to the reinstatement of Maina into the civil service “while he (Maina) had an arrest warrant on his head”.

The group also decried what it called “misinformation” disseminated by the ACPN presidential candidate.

Oby Ezekwesili