Botosoft Technologies And Milestones Of Document Security Solutions *by Emmanuel Ajibulu


Before Botosoft Technologies debut its authentication and anti counterfeiting solutions within the Nigerian space, many government agencies, private organizations, examination bodies etc were challenged with implementing the right solutions to deter fraudulent alterations of significant personal documentation especially certificates and other paper-based data.



Of course every serious-minded organization will crave for high-security documents which is a common request that requires thoughtful, unique brand protection solutions etc from a reputable company that is expected to be skilled in the craft of providing fool-proof solutions to every human challenge.



Impressively, Botosoft Technologies evidence-based innovations has consistently and significantly helped in changing the narrative positively, while also deepening clients satisfaction without glitch.



The company is perfect in building its strength in terms of design and print process, well customised multi-layered approach including visible, invisible, machine-readable and forensic security features that offer a quick and easy detection of fraudulent products. All of these features can be combined as needed to defend the integrity of products, protect brand value and ensure consumer trust. That is exactly the core value of Botosoft Technologies.



In retrospect, Botosoft Technologies six years ago launched the world’s most advanced anti-counterfeiting technology, known as Botoseal. The document security solution was unveiled at the 20th annual conference of the United Kingdom National Recognition Information Centre (UK NARIC) held in United Kingdom recently.



The launch had in attendance representatives from recruitment agencies, examination bodies, academia, assessment institutions and security agencies from across the world.



Speaking about the high profile milestone the CEO, Botosoft Technologies, Agbeyo Tolulope, said, “Botosoft Technologies prides itself on a culture of making life easy. The company recognises that forgery is rampant because document verification is difficult; if verifications were made easy, forgery would be contained and eventually eradicated.”



According to him, with the prevailing problems associated with document security in organisations, Botosoft in collaboration with HID Global, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions, partnered to develop the document security solution.



Tolulope noted that with document control, management, and issuance being core to every business, Botoseal created a document management platform that allows users, through a unified dashboard, to set document issuance privileges within any organisation, track the usage of a document and revoke access to its use as necessary.



“The introduction of Botoseal finally lays to rest the problem of document forgery, document doctoring, content alteration and signature falsification. It reverses the norm of easy forgery and difficult verification of document authenticity. Botoseal facilitates the secure signing and seamless verification of documents authenticity with the simple tap of a smart phone,” Tolulope said.



Director, Business Development and Strategic Innovation, Identification Technologies with HID Global, Mark Robinton, also said partnering Botosoft on the innovative solution would be a natural extension of HID Global’s commitment to add trust to a wide range of new use solutions.



According to Robinton, “HID Trusted Tag Services, coupled with Botoseal, ensures the authenticity of legal documents to combat counterfeiting. This unique solution leverages the cryptographically secure NFC tags and HID Cloud Authentication from our HID Trusted Services offering to provide peace of mind to users seeking to validate the authenticity of documents.”



He explained that Botoseal remained a solution with physical attributes and security features needed to develop and implement a successful document security strategy in any organization.



“The Botoseal solution comprises three interconnected modules of secure holographic seal, Smartsign application and Verifier application. It replaces the conventional seal with a chip-embedded holographic seal, which offers unique security and physical attributes that prevent replication and hacking. This seal is tamper evident and provides absolute security on documents.



“Botoseal verifier application does not only seamlessly verify the authenticity of a document, but also gives the users access to tamper-evident digital copies of their document on the go. The solution offers a cost saving and efficient means of getting copies of paper documents, without the need for printers or photocopiers.



Botosoft has developed solutions that help solve challenging problems with the use of cutting edge technologies. Yearly, its mobile identification and verification system is used by Africa’s foremost examination body, the West African Examinations Council, which securely verifies the identity of over 1.6 million students sitting for its examinations across 20, 000 locations annually.



However, the new kid in the bloc is the digital Certificate which seamlessly helps candidates to generate certificates online and to recover burnt, lost, and damaged certificates.



Certificates produced from 1999 to date are eligible for such recovery. The platform, which involves mobile and web-based applications, was unveiled Thursday, October 20, 2022 at the WAEC International Office in Lagos.



According to WAEC’s Head of National Office for Nigeria, Patrick Areghan, it will cost N7,500 for new and old candidates to assess the platform, N3,500 to share and N5,000 for certificate confirmation to “eliminate fraud and send fakers out of the market.”



He added that the platform will enable over 30 million certificate holders to “access and share the original copies of their certificates from anywhere in the world and those from 1970 to 1998 will be attended to shortly.”



Developed by Botosoft Technologies, the platform can also be used to recover candidates’ forgotten or lost examination numbers and “it has many security doors that will make it impossible to hack.”



In his welcome address, Mr Areghan reiterated the importance of technological advancement in the education sector, adding that WAEC is “evolving to meet the demands of a changing world.”



“We have migrated from physical registration of candidates to online registration; online verification of results and online result printouts.



“The development of the new digital certificate platform is in line with WAEC’s continuous record of meeting global needs by using cutting-edge technology to improve candidates’ experiences as they seek to continue their education,” he said.



Speaking further on the benefits of the platform, the official said “The digital certificate platform gives certificate holders the power to prevent unauthorized users from accessing their data.



“The platform is compliant with global best practices by ensuring that the data of candidates are protected securely and cannot be accessed by third parties without the consent of certificate owners.



“Individuals can now share their digital certificates from a WAEC source instantly, regardless of the person’s location. This eliminates institutional administration delays and the backlog of requests.”



Mr Areghan added that the platform also allows for bulk confirmation of certificates at once and candidates can print their digital certificates in high quality to have a physical copy.



More satisfying is the fact the 2023 West African Senior School Certificate Examination, (WASSCE) results came out simultaneously with the digital certificates of the candidates who wrote the examination, this also means that schools anywhere in the world can now process the admission of the candidates into higher institutions of learning in 2023 and onward.



It also means that any subsequent results released by WAEC in any of its diets will accordingly have the digital certificates readily available alongside with them without any encumbrance.