Between Gov Abdulrazaq And Contractor Handling Asa  River Dredging Contract


Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has told the contractor handling the Asa River dredging project to ensure the project is completed before time.

The governor said this will help to prevent perennial flooding in the state capital.
The project is being handled by  Eurobel International limited.

Officials from Ecological Fund Office, Abuja  led by Dr. Joel Oruche visited  the governor  at the Government House,  Ilorin penultimate Friday .

I am happy that the project is finally taking off. Before the inception of this administration some work had been done on the Asa Dam area. We were not truly satisfied though we were told it was Phase one.

Because since we came in, the perennial flood in those areas has caused so much havoc; displacing the communities and causing environmental degradation. That led us to push for another assessment so that the project can be looked into.

‘We are glad that our push has come to fruition now and we are happy to see you on site. We hope it takes less than the 18 months you projected. We have seasonally spent a lot of money to make sure our communities and our people are kept safe. What you (the Federal Government)  have done  is very important to us and we thank the federal government and look forward to the contractor playing needed role and ensure they deliver the project not just on time but before time’  Abdulrazaq said.

Oruche  said the visit was to inform Governor AbdulRazaq of the resumption of channelization of Asa River in Kwara while promising  that the work would be completed in 18 months.

‘Our main purpose of coming to the state is to officially hand over the project site to the contractor so that it will be officially flagged off. Today, the contractor takes over and we start to count for him for the next 18months’ he said.