Awori Top Monarch, HRM Obalanlege,  Embarks on Cultural Outreach Tour to Europe

Awori Top Monarch, HRM Obalanlege,  Embarks on Cultural Outreach Tour to Europe


His Majesty, Professor Adeyemi Obalanlege (Lanlege Ekun II, Arole Iganmode), the Olofin Apesin Olode, Olota of Ottaland, Awori Kingdom, is set to embark on his official tour of Europe.

This tour aims to reach out to his subjects and all children of the Otta Awori Kingdom residing outside the African continent.

The itinerary for His Majesty’s tour is as follows:

23rd June: Departure from Lagos to Rome.
24th June: Arrival in Rome.
Stay in Rome from 24th to 27th June (3-night hotel stay).
25th June: Event at the Nigerian Embassy in Rome, where the Olota will be hosted.
27th June: Departure from Rome to Vienna, Austria.
Arrival in Vienna on the same day.
27th June: Visit to the Susan Wenger Foundation.
Stay in Vienna from 27th to 30th June (3-night hotel stay).
Other events in Vienna include participation in the Nigerian Cultural Carnival and a carnival party.
30th June: Departure from Vienna back to Lagos.

This historic tour represents a significant cultural outreach effort by the Awori monarch, aiming to strengthen the bonds between the Awori Kingdom and its diaspora in Europe.

The Olota’s visit to key cultural and diplomatic institutions is in consonant with the importance of maintaining and celebrating Nigerian heritage abroad.

Professor Adeyemi Obalanlege’s tour will not only provide an opportunity for cultural exchange but also foster unity among the Awori people worldwide.

The events planned in Rome and Vienna promise to showcase the rich traditions and vibrant culture of the Awori Kingdom, reaffirming its significance on the global stage.