Amaju Pinnick Sack: Primate Ayodele’s Prophecy on NFF Fulfilled!

Ayodele (left) and Pinnick
Less than 24 hours that he prophesied the removal from office of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) president, Mr Amaju Pinnick, servant of God and spiritual leader at INRI Evangelical Church, Lagos, Primate Elijah Babatunde Ayodele’s declaration has been vindicated.

The Sports Minister, Barrister Solomon Dalung, today, ordered the NFF to respect the April 7, 2018 Supreme Court judgment that restored the Federal High Court ruling which in a September 30, 2014 ruling, declared the Ambassador Chris Giwa-led board the authentic leadership of the football federation.

Ayodele, since the controversial election that installed Pinnick, had warned that the NFF was headed for a catastrophic journey with the Pinnick headship. All subsequent warnings by Ayodele in that regard were reportedly ignored and rubbished by the sacked NFF authorities.
Late June 2018, the famous prophet of God gave what appeared to be God’s last warning for the former NFF leadership to remove Pinnick ‘in the interest of  football’s future’. Expectedly, Mr. Pinnick reportedly rubbished Ayodele’s latest warning as ‘unreal’. Two days after, his leadership at the NFF was given the boot based on the court ruling on the Federation’s leadership tussle that spanned four years.
Four years ago, Ayodele specifically prophesied and the prophesy was published in a September 6th, 2014 edition that Amaju Pinnick would not finish two terms as NFF president. In the said publication, Primate said God told him that ‘no matter the situation, Chris Giwa would become NFF president’, while he urged prayers for Giwa as he foresaw him taking the Federation’s leadership halfway.
“I’m not a politician neither am I a footballer or work for the NFF. I’m a prophet and this is what God has asked me to tell the NFF leadership and I have delivered. Let them listen or ignore,” Ayodele said in a chat with journalists in his church headquarters on Friday, 29th of June, 2018.
He added in the statement”
“When you have a leadership that arrogates power and knowledge to itself and does not take advice, even when such advice is given in good faith, the end result is predictable.” Ayodele added that the embarrassing ouster the Super Eagles suffered in the World Cup tournament was foreseen by him and he warned ahead that the Pinnick leadership of the NFF and the Mikel Obi captainship of the national team to Russia 2018 World Cup was destined for failure.
-Adeyinka Adeniyi