Ahmed Mu’azu Takes Over As INEC Acting Chairman

Ahmed Mu’azu Takes Over As INEC Acting Chairman

Yakubu (right) hands over to Mu’azu

The re-nominated Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, on Monday handed over to retired Air Vice Marshal Ahmed Mu’azu, as the acting chairman of the commission.

Yakubu (right) hands over to Mu’azu

Retired Air Vice-Marshal Ahmed Mu’azu was born on 6th September 1957 at Gombe, Gombe State.


He had his early education in Gombe, Kaduna and Maiduguri between 1964 -1975.


He joined the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) as a Potential Pilot in June 1976 and was commissioned Pilot Officer into Air Traffic Control (ATC) Specialty in 1979.


He rose steadily and progressively through to the heist professional rank of Air Vice Marshal (AVM) in 2007. He voluntarily retires from service of NAF in 2013.


He also attended the senior command and staff course at Ghana Armed Forces Staff College (GAFSC) Teshie, Accra 1991–1992, finishing well above average with a strong recommendation for appointment as Directing Staff.


The INEC National Commissioner representing north-east and supervising Adamawa, Taraba and Borno states is married with children and grandchildren and chose poultry farming and long-range driving as his hobbies.


He is the chairman of the INEC Tenders Board (TB) Committee.