Society Lady, Sonnia Agu, Writes Open Letter to President Buhari

Sonnia Agu
Sonnia Agu


Ambassador Sonnia Agu, a highly respected society lady and ambassador of women and youth at ECOWAS parliament, has written an open letter to the president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, on the state of nation, especially on the issue of his successor.


Agu writes;
“All protocols observed, and hoping that this finds you in a good state.


This is such a pivotal point in history, and I can only imagine how confused you are especially as you are seen as a ‘Man Of Intergrity’ you have always tried to give your best in ways you know how and that’s acknowledged and appreciated.


The fate and the lives of generations to come are in your hands now. And Rumor has it that you hold the keys to the golden door.


Your choices can either break or make our nation.


Two things sir. You put a person with a track record of doing great things and can keep doing great things especially with little or no supervision, without the interference of any biases, nepotism, religion, tribe etc; a person with a leadership structure that has been consistent and sustainable.


Or you put a person of ‘Your own personal preferred choice.’


Now here lies the problem. If you won’t put a person that WE can all see deserves the seat and has all these track records, THEN, WE MUST HAVE A FREE & FAIR ELECTION! Because myself and fellow Nigerians are tired of all this rigmaroles!

President Buhari



Nigeria belongs to ALL OF US! And we are ready to make it a home for everyone, come what may.


Please sir, with all due respect your Excellency, We urge you to please do the needful. NIGERIA REQUIRES A RESET.