ASUU to Resume Strike, Accuses FG of ‘Breach of Trust’

ASUU to Resume Suspended Strike, Accuses FG of Breach of Trust


A cross section of University lecturers have vowed to push for resumption of the suspended strike at their respective zonal levels over government’s ‘failure’ to honour agreements both parties reached at a meeting on December 22, last year.

ASUU suspended its 9-month-old strike December 23rd, 2020 following certain agreements reached by both parties, which included payment of outstanding lecturers’ salaries on or before December 31, releasing of N40bn Earned Allowance before January 15, among others.


But in separate telephone interviews with our correspondent, the lecturers described the government’s refusal to honour the agreements as “insincerity”, saying such behaviour would be met with stiff resistance.


A Professor at University of Ibadan, who pleaded anonymity, said: “Well, the point is that, not that the federal government stopped paying our salaries but they have not paid it in accordance with the agreement.”


According to him, the agreements said they would pay by December 31st or before and “till now (Jan 5) they have not paid.”


He added: “Even, the Earned Allowances they agreed to pay by December through January, they have not paid anything.

“They didn’t pay dime even before we suspended the strike by December 23rd, that is the government we are dealing with.


“After all these, people will be blaming ASUU.

“People can now understand why ASUU insisted on getting what they wanted before they called-off the strike.


“They have not paid anything. The agreements are in black and white.”


When asked the time they would resume the suspended strike, the University Don said they (ASUU members) had not been officially communicated.