Connecting Governor Abdulrazaq With New Emir Of Zazzau


The Abdulrazaq family of Ilorin and the Nuhu Bamalli family of Zaria have a longstanding relationship.

Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq disclosed this while congratulating Alhaji Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli on his appointment as 19th Emir of Zazzau.

Bamalli was announced as Zazzau’s new Emir on Wednesday. He succeeds Alhaji Shehu Idris who died on Sunday, 20th September 2020 after ruling the ancient city for 45 years.

The governor submitted that his father; late AGF Abdulrazaq and  the Emir’s father Alhaji Nuhu Bamalli were friends.

‘I congratulate His Royal Highness on his well-deserved appointment as Emir of Zazzau. Whereas he ascends the throne with the unassailable royal pedigree of his illustrious forebears, His Royal Highness also comes to the exalted seat with outstanding professional and academic credentials.

I recall with nostalgia the bond between new Emir’s late illustrious father Alhaji Nuhu Bamalli and my late father Alhaji AGF AbdulRazaq (SAN). Whilst they both served the Zazzau Emirate as Magajin Gari and Tafida respectively, they also served as federal ministers during the Sir Tafawa Balewa administration in 1965.

It is my belief that His Royal Highness’ wealth of experience as a distinguished diplomat, accomplished lawyer and seasoned technocrat with a rich tapestry of family and friends across the country will augur a very peaceful and beneficial reign as well as enhance a united nation.

On behalf of the people and government of Kwara State, I congratulate His Excellency the Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir el-Rufai, the Zazzau Emirate and the good people of Kaduna State on this historic occasion. I pray the Almighty Allah to guide His Royal Highness and make his reign long, peaceful and prosperous’, he said.