Facebook Appoints Mosseri To Head Instagram


Following the resignation of Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Facebook has appointed Instagram’s Vice President of Product to become head of the photo-sharing social network.

While the official story remains that Systrom and Krieger resigned to take some time off to explore their curiosity and creativity again, and possibly to pursue building a new start-up from scratch, inside sources insist the real reason Systrom and Krieger departed was disagreements with Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg over the direction of the app.

Their departure was months after the resignation of co-founder and CEO of WhatsApp, Jan Koum. Koum quit Facebook in April over disagreements about data privacy, advertising and encryption.

The story of Mosseri taking over was sold to the public as a means to pursue continuity to Instagram. Systrom and Krieger who broke the news of his appointment wrote in a blog post, “Since we announced our departure, many people have asked us what we hope for the future of Instagram. To us, the most important thing is keeping our community — all of you — front and centre in all that Instagram does. We believe that Adam will hold true to these values and that Instagram will continue to thrive.”

Adam is also perceived by many to be close to Zuckerberg, and getting the job as a result of that, but Systrom and Krieger are sure Instagram is in safe hands with Mosseri.