Gov. Ahmed, Saraki Greet Ilorin Emir, Zulu Gambari On 22nd Coronation


Kwara State Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed, has congratulated the Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji (Dr.) Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, CFR, on the occasion of his 22nd coronation anniversary as the 11th Emir of Ilorin describing him as an embodiment of peace and harmony in the state. The governor described the highly respected monarch as a remarkable man of peace whose life is an excellent portrayal of inter-religious tolerance. As the chairman, Kwara State Traditional Council, Governor Ahmed affirms that the Emir demonstrated uncommon leadership style, patriotism and wisdom in his consistent advocacy for security, peace and unity among the people of the state.

The governor believes that the wise counsels and support of the royal father on issues of good governance, peaceful and harmonious working relationship as well as inter-religious harmony among g religions adherents, have further enhanced the desired peace and security in the past 22 years of his enthronement.

According to him, “the Emir has over the years created an opportunity to reduce issues that can trigger tension and misunderstanding between Muslims and Christians in the state and beyond.

“Over the years, the unique qualities of the Emir have contributed immensely to the promotion of peaceful co-existence among the diverse ethnic groups in Kwara State.”

The governor praised the courage and sincerity of the Emir for always being a father to all even as he prayed Allah to continue to grant the Emir good health, long life, wisdom, guidance and direction in the discharge of his responsibilities.

The royal father ascended the throne of his forebears on Nov 11th, 1995.

Also, the President of the Senate, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki congratulated the Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji (Dr.) Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari CFR, on attaining 22 years on the throne of his forebears.
Saraki in a statement by his Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu, in Abuja, described the Mai-Martaba Sarkin Ilorin, as an exceptional royal father whose reign has witnessed peace and phenomenal development in the Ilorin Emirate in particular and Kwara State in general.
He stated that the Emir has continued to encourage progressive initiatives that have engendered unity, peace and tolerance in and around the state, worthy of emulation.
“I join all Kwarans and Nigerians at large to congratulate you on your 22nd anniversary on the highly revered throne of the Ilorin Emirate,” Saraki stated. “It is my prayer that Allah grant you excellent health, prosperity and many more years to continue in your immeasurable service to the people of Ilorin, Kwara State and the nation at large.”