President Tinubu Congratulates Olofin of Ado-Odo on Ascension of Throne

The Olofin of Ado-Odo

President Bola Tinubu extends his congratulations to His Royal Majesty, Oba Olusola Lamidi-Osolo, on his ascension to the throne of the Olofin of Ado-Odo in Ogun State.

The Olofin of Ado-Odo

The President commends Oba Lamidi-Osolo for toeing the mark of his forebears in character and education, describing him as a philosopher-king for his many professional accomplishments.

President Tinubu urges the monarch to exercise his office in the promotion of peace, development, and good governance in his community in Ogun State and the nation at large.

The President also congratulates the people of Ado-Odo and Ogun State while wishing His Royal Majesty a successful reign on the throne of his forefathers.