Lifestyle: Being Too Friendly and 9 Other Reasons People Don’t Respect You

Lifestyle: Being Too Friendly and 9 Other Reasons People Don't Respect You



When you talk too much that doesn’t benefit anyone in your group, then people will see you as a babbler. Slowly, anything you say becomes less and less valuable, which eventually leads to cheapness in your soul; whatever you say has no power over anyone.

Teasing and joking are very common within groups of friends. But know that there’s a limit to it. If all you say is nothing but jokes and jests, people will regard you as low value and someone not worthy of respect.

1. Making It All About You

It’s completely normal to talk about your adventures and accomplishments with your family and friends. People will know more about you and, therefore, create a stronger connection with you.

But if all you say in every conversation is about you, it’s a surefire way to make everyone stay away from you. Because you are not giving anyone the opportunity to speak about themselves. The conversation becomes one-sided, and everyone becomes irritated. This behaviour makes you seem prideful and egotistic, and people will mistreat you for this behavior alone.

“People are 10 times more interested in themselves than in your story.”

They care more about their grades than the A⁺ grade you got in the last exam. They care more about their achievements than the job offer you got last week. They care more about their muscle fatigue than the broken leg you got yesterday. Understanding this fact can help you be more calm and mature.

2. Doing Immature Things

It’s okay to be occasionally funny and hilarious among people. But sometimes, some take it to the point where people can sense immaturity in their behaviors.

Engaging in silly or inappropriate conversations, using offensive language, and making crude jokes; these are all behaviors that make people perceive you as unserious and not worth their respect.

Maturity is a trait that many people value in their relationships, so it’s wise to recognize these behaviors and take steps to address them if you want to improve your relationships and earn the respect you desire.

3. Breaking Promises

Breaking promises you made with others is the most common sign of untrustworthiness and unreliability. When done frequently, there’ll be no one beside you.

But it’s not the only thing here. Breaking the promises, you made to yourself can prove more severe to your confidence. When you don’t do the thing that you said you’re going to do(so many times), people will see you as weak and unadmirable. And worse, you lose respect for yourself, too.

4. Losing respect is a confidence killer…

When you lose respect for yourself, you don’t trust yourself.

When you don’t trust yourself, you don’t believe in yourself.

And when you don’t believe in yourself, no one will.

It’s a serious confidence killer.

On the other hand, if you are a man of your word and do the thing you said you are going to do, and you don’t break the promises you made to others, people will admire and respect you, which can result in a positive chain of results. You will gain higher power and self-confidence.

5. You look like you have low self-esteem

They say beauty is skin deep. And while self-esteem goes beyond physical appearances, how you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror affects it.

You can be the most beautiful person in the world, but that won’t matter if you slouch and look like a mess.

Your posture may affect your overall mood. In fact, it can help increase confidence in your own thoughts. When you have bad posture, you give the impression that you are lazy. People may think you lack the confidence to carry out a conversation, let alone make good decisions.

6. Having No Ambition

Ambition is not only a personal motivator but also a quality that attracts admiration and respect from others. People feel a sense of power and see you as a driven and motivated person. That’s why people admire strong-willed, hard-working, and persevering individuals. Their drive often inspires people around them and motivates them to pursue their personal goals. On the flip side, people with no ambition are often seen as aimless characters. Their lack of drive makes people question their commitment and their personal growth. This can result in people losing respect for your complacency. So, if you want to be respected in your field, have a goal to work on. People will respect you more, and some will even set you as a role model.

Try to work on bettering yourself and avoid the things that get you in the wrong direction.

And four other things…

Being too friendly invites disrespect.

You let emotions override your logical thinking.

You speak before you listen.

Caring about what people think of you is a habit you should leave now. it never improves your rating.