How Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse Predicted Macomba Seven Angels Church Humiliation!

Prophet Akinbodunse
South African based prophet, Samuel Akinbodunse is in the news once again for what he’s known to do best. The FANO general overseer has shown again that he is truly the servant of God, one who says the mind of God concerning issues.
Yesterday, reports making rounds has it that a south Africa based church,  Mancoba Seven Angels Ministry based in Cape Town was sacked by the police who discovered it’s being run as a cult and has over 100 sex slaves with rooms provided for them at the church premises.
It was also made known that the church was run by a mother and her seven sons. Revelations also portrayed that ladies as young as twelve years old were used as sex slaves and no baby is allowed to have birth certificate or any form of identity.
It would be recalled that during the prophecy for 2018, Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse revealed that fake prophets in the world will be exposed even though it will shake Christendom.

When the p

Prophet Akinbodunse

rophet speak, the wise listens and take note