2019: Idiagbon’s Daughter Campaigns Against Buhari’s 2nd Term Bid!



Sonia Idiagbon
Major-General Tunde Idiagbon (late)


“Oh, merciful God, please bring back our President hale and hearty. We need him Lord! Baba, i wish you speedy recovery from the bottom of my heart, I miss you!”

That was a July, 2017 Facebook post by Dire Sonia Yobo, an Edo, Nigerian born lady who is said to be based in Spain. She had prayed for the safe return of Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari who was on a long medical vacation to the United Kingdom that year.


Sonia, used to be one of the ardent fans of President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria, and like every die-hard follower of a cause, those who should know told Global Excellence magazine that Sonia followed President Buhari religiously since her adulthood.


One major factor why she did, according to the source, was because she is the daughter of the late second-in-command to Buhari when he was Nigeria’s military head of state between 1983 and 1985, Major General Tunde Idiagbon. “And because she believed in the President’s famed integrity, since his days with her father,” the source adds.


Interestingly, Sonia, today, is famous for her criticisms on the social media against President Buhari-led government policies. Not that alone, the obviously upset Sonia also does not spare the First Family, as she throws jabs at every move by the president’s family that she considers wrong. In fact, she has a word for every ‘wrong’ step taken by Buhari and his political party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) that, sources said, she was losing patronage from Buhari’s sympathizers who constitute the majority of her social media friends.


Asked by this reporter why the regular swipes at Buhari, given that he was her late father’s best ally, Sonia would not give a definite answer. However, she wanted to know if her opinions were to be published in Global Excellence magazine, for which she asked this reporter, “why are you making this story, Folorunsho?”


A source that is close to Sonia was sourced for online by this reporter and had this to say about her;

“I know her (Sonia) but can’t say anything private about her. However, you know that every human wants to have choice and freedom. You can say that Sonia loves President Buhari and she worked for his coming as civilian president with her heart as a family member. Yes, she is like the president’s family member because her father and the president were one. You know what I mean. But then, in order to keep a family together, sometimes humans have to forfeit some luxury. She still loves the president. But families must work together, but it often takes arguing, and even maturity, before they can see each other’s’ perspective. I think it’s important for families to have open communication. When there are disagreements, it’s important to consider the other’s views and try to reach compromise.”


Meanwhile, Global Excellence magazine has gathered that, Sonia Idiagbon remains steady in her campaign against President Buhari’s second term bid in 2019.


-Folorunsho Hamsat