Mo Abudu Gets Gold Membership Directors’ Card Ahead 2019 Emmy Awards


EbonyLife boss and media entrepreneur, Mo Abudu has now been given a gold membership directors’ card by the International Academy of Television, Arts & Sciences, the platform responsible for staging the renowned Emmy Awards. Abudu announced in December last year that she was a member of a select group of 100 directors, international executives from leading channels, production and distribution companies.
The gold membership card has certified her as a member. Furthermore, she’s expected to attend board meetings three or four times a year. “I am pleased about this appointment because it will be an enabler for the recognition of our work in TV and film across the globe. I mean “our” as in our work from Nigeria,” Abudu wrote in an Instagram post.
The ramifications of Abudu’s membership means African content will be recognised and given ample consideration; her media empire EbonyLife has steadily gravitated towards indigenous content, from its in-house, solitary productions to the international partnership with Sony.

The 2019 Emmy Awards will hold on September 22, 2019.