Bishop Omomajemu: “I’ll Use My Calling To Inspire The Youth”

Top clergy, Prophet Femi Otusanya of “Omomajemu” the fame, the G.O of the True Covenant Church of God, TCCG, has recently being confirmed worthy of shouldering the responsibility of the high ranked position of Bishop by the Soul Winners Int’l Ministry.
The emergence of Olufemi, as Bishop wasn’t without hiccups due to his age and other factors considerably imperative b
efore the title of Bishop could be entrusted on anybody.
According to the findings, as adopted by Association of Nigerian Bishops And Souls Winners International Ministry, before one could be conferred with the exacted rank of Bishop, such individual must have attained 45 years and above and must have been active in the vineyard of God, ministering for two decades or thereabout,  presiding over two branches and so on.
Contrarily, Omomajemu, gracefully admits that God broke some protocols in order for His will to be accomplished, in his statement, “God in His infinity mercies broke some protocols for His will to be manifested, Halleluyah!”
“There are lot of protocols, some were met while some were not met but God took perfect control of all the affairs, for example the intending Bishop must have attained 45 years and above while I’m yet to be 40,” explaining further, the convener of the youth platform, PYAN, said, “my ministry is just six years going to seven which against normal rule of being ministering for two decades or close to.
“this feat wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of my fathers in the lord, Cardinal James Odunbaku, in conjunction with Baba Aladura Alao, the General Overseer Cherubim and Seraphim worldwide, Arch Bishop Ehindero and the cooperation of the members of Association of Nigerian Bishops And Souls Winners International Ministry.”
Omomajemu however, vows to use the new office of bishop to inspire Nigerian youth on the need to develop leadership spirit in them.
He stressed further that, “if in my late 30th against all the odds could become a Bishop without lobbying or politicizing then there is huge hope for Nigerian youth in the political realm.
“I’m going to make myself more visible than ever, I am committed to make a change in the consciences of most of our youths, I want to restore hope back to their thought.
“I will inculcate the danger of excessive intake of alcohol drink, drugs, smoking and all other substances that change their destiny  from worthy to worthless youth in them.